Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Francis “Red” McCABE + Margaret MARTIN

5 children
Francis Thomas McCABE
Birth: January 1851 46 36Corlea Township, Magheracloone Parish, Monaghan Ireland
Death: October 21, 1923Tiffany Township Eddy Co North Dakota
Patrick McCABE
Birth: April 14, 1847 42 32Magheracloone, Monaghan, Ire
Death: November 1867OPS Victoria Co Ontario

Parents Grandparents

Family group information
Marriage before April 1840
Note: Document D/3531/M/5/1 from the PRONI shows that in April 1840, evident newlyweds Frank McCabe and h…
Media objectPartial Passenger List for ship John Bright, May 23, 1861.
Format: application/pdf
File size: 150 KB
Note: Francis, Margaret and 3 sons arrived in NYC on May 23, 1861 on the ship John Bright from Liverpool. Note that there is a son named Patrick who was unknown to us previous to this record.
Media objectFrancis McCabe Sublet From Thomas Martin 1858Francis McCabe Sublet From Thomas Martin 1858
Format: image/png
Image dimensions: 973 × 377 pixels
File size: 313 KB
Type: Document
Highlighted image: no
Note: The Griffith's Evaluation (Census) of Monagahan in 1858 shows that Francis lived on Doagh in a sublet from his (presumed) father-in-law Thomas Martin.
Last change July 18, 202216:51:04

by: Tom McCabe