From the web site:
St. Andrew’s Church, Fergus
Marriage Register 1837-1845
Transcribed by Susanne Metcalfe 2004©
No. 40 Jany 21[1841] Whereas, Robet Gerrie, of the Township of Nichol, County of Waterloo,
Gerrie, Robt. District of Wellington and Province of Upper Canada, Bachelor and Margaret Milne, of the Township, County, District, and Province aforesaid, Spinster, were determined to enter into the Holy Banns of Matrimony, and have for this purpose been publicly proclaimed by Banns, on three successive Sabbaths in St. Andrew’s Church, Fergus and no objection offered why the said parties should be joined together in marriage:
Now these are to certify that the said parties, viz, Rogert Gerrie and Margaret Milne, were regularly married and the same are legally contracted to each other, in presence of Rogert Cromar, Bachelor, Woolwich, & William Gerrie, Nichol, both of the County, District and Province aforesaid. This Twenty First Day of January, One Thousand, Eight Hundred and Forty One years, by me, A. Gardiner, Minr.