Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025


7 children

Parents Grandparents

Family group information

The 1850 census shows Mary, Abraham's mother, was living with him and that she was born in Maryland.

1850 United States Federal Census about Abraham Fisher Name: Abraham Fisher Age: 53 Estimated birth year: abt 1797 Birth Place: North Carolina

Home in 1850 Sarcoxie, Jasper, Missouri

Abraham Fisher 53 Martha Fisher 48 Sarah Ann Hager 22 Richard Fisher 20 Ellen Fisher 18 Keturah Fisher 16 Martha G Degraffinreid 79 John J Fisher 13 Wm J Fisher 9 Margaret E Fisher 7 Wm A Hager 4 Mary Fisher 77

Last change August 26, 201011:45:26