Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

James GRAHAM + Margaret SAUNDERS

5 children
Mary Jane GRAHAM
Birth: 1855 30 30Cartwright Township, Durham, Ontario
Death: June 20, 1941Roland, Manitoba, Canada
Birth: 1859 34 34Cartwright Township, Durham, Ontario
Death: November 11, 1886Howick, Huron Co, Ontario
Birth: November 5, 1863 39 39Cartwright, Durham Co, Ont, Canada
Death: April 29, 1946Ontario

Parents Grandparents

Family group information
Marriage December 15, 1849
Note: The parish records in the Anglican Archives, Toronto, state that Margaret Saunders of Cartwright Township married James Graham of Whitby. Other marriages in the parish records mention Thomas and Elizabeth Darcy of Cartwright. Presumably, this shows that Margaret was the daughter of James and Mary Saunders, since the Saunders and Darcy's were living side by side in Cartwright.
Census 1871
Note: 1871 Census of Canada about Margret Graham
Media objectJames Graham Family PhotoJames Graham Family Photo
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1891 Census of Canada Name: James Graham Birthplace: Ontario Religion: Methodist Spouse's Name: Margaret Graham Father's Birth Place: Ireland Mother's Birth Place: Ireland District: Durham West Subdistrict: Cartwright

James Graham 66 Margaret Graham 66 Mary Jane Graham 38 Jobb Graham 28

The Darcys are next door neighbors.


From a Report in Ontario prepared by Gina Martin:

James Graham was born in Whitby Township on August 24, 1824 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham who had emigrated from Scotland some years earlier. In Whitby on December 15, 1849, he married Margaret Saunders, the eldest child of James and Mary. Margaret was born June 8, 1824 in Knocknaboley, County Wicklow, Ireland and immigrated with her family in the mid-1840s. Three sons and two daughters were born to James and Margaret, all of whom were raised in Cartwright.

Census reports for 1871, 1881, 1891 and 1901 show James Graham farming the study lands, later in conjunction with his son Job. On February 25, 1874, he deeded the farm to his middle son Robert who sold it back to his father on March 30, 1875 (Deed #729 and #866). Robert, his wife Ellen and their young family later moved to Lisgar, Manitoba where their descendants remain today.

Between 1878 and 1901, James Graham secured three separate mortgages against the farm, possibly indicating some improvements to the land. However, by 1904 he appeared to be in some financial distress when he defaulted on a mortgage to a Mr. Samuel Trees who then took over the property under power of sale (Notice #3901). On January 25, 1905, Samuel Trees deeded the property to Job Graham who was the eldest son of James (Deed #3902). James and his wife Margaret remained living on the study lands until their respective deaths on February 27, 1914 and October 26, 1918.

The youngest son of James Graham and Margaret Saunders, Job Graham was born in Cartwright on November 5, 1863. On September 20, 1898, he married Marietta Williamena Byam at Cambray in neighbouring Victoria County. The couple had two children, both born on the farm. Howard Courtney Graham was born January 22, 1902 and Frances Margaret Christie Graham was born January 17, 1907. Job Graham was a lifelong farmer and a prominent Orangeman, acting many years as chaplain for the Purple Hill Loyal Order Lodge #399. After four decades on the farm, he signed it over to his son on June 19, 1944 who also farmed for many years (Deed #7885). Job Graham died April 29, 1946. All of the Grahams and Saunders are buried at the aforementioned Pine Grove Cemetery.

Last change April 5, 201504:21:53