| Sarah SCOTTBirth: about 1807 26 — Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England Death: July 1888 — Pottawattamie, Iowa | John SCOTTBirth: about 1811 30 — Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England Death: Michigan, USA | Elizabeth SCOTTBirth: about 1813 32 Burial: 1826 — Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England | George SCOTTBirth: 1816 35 — Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England Death: October 11, 1883 — Pottawattamie, Iowa |
Thomas SCOTTBirth: about 1781 — Bury, Huntingdonshire, England Death: January 7, 1854 — Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England |
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Religious marriage | October 13, 1806
Note: Thomas Scott's first marriage - from Graveley Parish Registers: Thomas Scott's first marriage - from Graveley Parish Registers:
Marriage, Oct 13,1806: Thomas Scott and Mary Fisher
Witnesses: Isaac Howard and Elizabeth Binns
| Census | 1818
Note: From the Graveley Parish Register in the Society of Genealogist in London: In 1818 the parish priest… From the Graveley Parish Register in the Society of Genealogist in London: In 1818 the parish priest made a census of Graveley which lists the entire adult population. Thomas Scott is the only resident whose surname was Scott. He is a laborer with a wife and four children.
The parish records also record the fact that in 1818 Thomas Scott was one of several poor families who received parish aid.
| Note | It is entirely possible that there were two Thomas Scotts in the parish or that Thomas had two wives previous to his marriage to Jane Brains in 1828. Graveley parish records show he buried a wife named Sarah in 1822.
Oct 13, 1806 Thomas Scott otp married Mary Fisher.
1814 Elizabeth Scott bap. daughter of Thomas and Sarah - Fowlmere.
1816 George Scott bap. son of Thomas and Mary - Graveley.
Jan 10, 1822 Sarah Scott, age 36, buried, wife of Thomas.
Sept 12, 1825 Sarah Scott otp married Henry Cook otp.
1826 Elizabeth Scott, 13, Graveley, buried.
| Last change | September 29, 2024 – 02:45:03
by: Tom McCabe | |