Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Daniel DUNN + Catherine SAUNDERS

10 children
Catherine DUNN
Birth: 1837 38 28Knocknaboley, Wicklow, Ireland
Death: August 17, 1915Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario
Sarah DUNN
Birth: February 14, 1846 47 37Knocknaboley, Wicklow, Ireland
Death: after 1861
Martha DUNN
Birth: 1851 52 42Whitby, Ontario
Death: March 29, 1907Hamilton, Wentworth, Ontario

Parents Grandparents

Family group information
Census 1851
Census 1861
Note: Sarah Dunn, 14, nonmember, was also listed on the same page in the Randal Howel family. Evidently Sarah was a servant in the family.
Media objectDaniel Dunn Family, Passengers Glenlyon 1851Daniel Dunn Family, Passengers Glenlyon 1851
Format: image/png
Image dimensions: 1,014 × 328 pixels
File size: 136 KB
Type: Photo
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Note: As further evidence of connection between Andrew Saunders family and Thomas Griffin, the Daniel Dunn family also immigrated from Coolatin Estate to Canada as passengers on the Glenlyon in 1851.

Marriage record was not found in the Killaveny RC parish records. Catherine Sanders Dunn first appears in a baptism record for Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel Dunn and Catherine Sanders in Knocknaboley.

June 10, 1836 Elizabeth daughter Daniel Dunn and Catherine Sanders Sponsors: John and Mary Dunn

Last change March 9, 202323:32:54

by: Tom McCabe