Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

John EBLEN + Ann Martha GANN

1 child

Parents Grandparents

Family group information
Marriage about 1856

Ever since our cousins started the Gann Society and produced the first GANN family tree, we thought that our Grandpa Tom Gann's Grandma Gann, wife of William Henry Gann of Hamilton Co TN, was named Martha Myers. Many of us researched Martha's history and we could never find her family but after 20 years we figured out that her maiden name was really Ann Martha Gann, daughter of Allen Gann of Tennessee. Ann Martha & William Henry were actually distant cousins. Using DNA matches and court documents, our cousin Kay Silkey has worked hard to determine the ancestry of Allen Gann and we now know Allen Gann connects to the Gann Clan as a descendant of Adam Gann, one of the major branches of of the greater Gann Tree.

As part of her proof she found the records of a trial in Hamilton Co TN where Washington Gann, John Eblin and others were tried for murder in 1857. The men on trial had killed a man who had severely beaten Allen Gann earlier in the evening of Nov 4 1856. The record provides proof that Ann Martha Gann was married to Mr John Eblin before she married William Henry Gann and that her father Allen Gann was brother of the accused Washington Gann. The entire record is long but it is transcribed and now available on the internet. (Link below). Here is just a small snippet from the transcript that has genealogical information:

"... When Defendant (Washington Gann) asked Allen Gann how he came to let such a man as Wilcoxon hurt him so, Allen Gann replied, "he was drinking." .... Afterwards, Eblin came to where the corpse was lying as they passed from the White House to George Hall's. They passed by where the deceased lay... Defendant remained some time and then went to take Allen Gann home. Defendant did not manifest any excitement while at the dead body. ... After Defendant had taken Allen Gann home, he returned to Dallas and was there all the time until arrested. Witness knew Defendant to be a mild and peacible man but resolute and determined when once aroused. He knew John Eblin to be a violent and desperate man and was the son-in-law of Allen Gann and Washington Gann is the brother of Allen Gann. ...He was at the White House from dark until Gann came in and he was with defendant from the time they went out of the house until Eblin came up and said, "I have killed (him)," says that when Eblin made the remark, no enquiry was made....This was substantially all the evidence in the cause. "

Following the trial, the Allen Gann family and others from the neighborhood moved to Missouri. Somewhere between 1857 and 1860 Martha Eblin lost her husband John Eblin and she then married our ancestor William Henry Gann in Webster Co MO. That's how we got to be double Ganns.

Here's a link to the entire WILLIAM WILCOXIN MURDER CASE.

Last change July 13, 202017:19:59

by: Tom McCabe