Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Thomas BRAINES + Elizabeth DRAPER?

8 children
Birth: July 13, 1794 25 22Islip, Northamptonshire, England
Burial: March 21, 1841Islip, Northamptonshire, England
Birth: July 1, 1804 35 32Keystone, Huntingdonshire, England
Death: May 23, 1863Islip, Northamptonshire, England
Birth: July 27, 1806 37 34Keystone, Huntingdonshire, England
Death: January 13, 1843Keystone, Huntingdonshire, England
Birth: July 11, 1810 41 38Keystone, Huntingdonshire, England
Burial: March 23, 1841Islip, Northamptonshire, England

Parents Grandparents

Family group information
Religious marriage October 23, 1793
Note: This marriage record is possibly the record of Thomas and Elizabeth Braines' (of Keystone) marriage…


The Thomas Braines family was listed in Keyston Hunts for the 1841 England census. The entry shows that Elizabeth had probably died before then, Mary was still a spinster and Thomas Jr was still alive. In addition, Jane age 5 was part of the family.

Thomas Braines 70 Shepherd Born in Hunts Mary 35 Hunts Thomas 31 Shepherd Hunts Jane 5 Hunts


It is likely that Thomas and Elizabeth were married in Islip in 1793 and had their first child John there. They then moved to Keystone Huntingdonshire where they lived out their lives. Because they were shepherds it is possible they were away from their home in Keystone for extended periods.

Last change August 18, 202120:29:49

by: Tom McCabe