Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Norman Edgar “Edward” GRIFFIN + Hanora SHANAHAN

No children

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Religious marriage September 29, 1924
Note: Edward Griffin and Hanora Shanahan were married in Mont St Patrick Parish in Cobalt Ontario. Her bap…


Ontario, Canada, Marriages Name: Edward Griffin Age: 40 Birth Place: County of Dufferin, Ont. Marriage Date: 29 Sep 1924 Marriage Location: Timiskaming District Marriage County or District: Timiskaming Father: Peter Griffin Mother: Jane Milnie Spouse: Hanora Shanahan Intended Abode: Cobalt Ont Spouse's Age: 34 Spouse Birth Place: Renfrew, Ont. Spouse Father: Timothy Shanahan Spouse Mother: Brigid Bulger Registration district: Temiskaming

Last change December 12, 201405:45:47