Gomez & Rosales Family of El Paso

Lope del HIERRO de Cereceda + Beatris de GRADOS

3 children

Parents Grandparents

Family group information

Beatris Grados Cordero/Lope Hierro y Zerezeda Olarte Posted 18 Feb 2011 by PatErnieAlderete on ancestry,com (This has not been verified by me.)

Captain/Capitan Lope Hierro de Zereceda Olarte born about 1605 Valle de Allende-Chihuahua

The name “Lope” is derived from Lupus, meaning wolf. A son of someone named Lope, would be Lopez, or Lopes. Lope was a common first name for the era.

Beatris Grados Cordero born about 1612 Valle de Allende-Chihuahua

Lope Hierro de Zereceda was the first settler of Parral, mayor of Minas Nuevas, what is today Villa Escobedo in 1634, according to Jaime F. Torres’ book, Return to Aztlan.

According to the book “Poblar La Frontera, la Provincia de Santa Barbara en Nueva Vizcaya,” page 412, "Beatriz de Grados (daughter of Andres Cordero and Maria de Grados) was the granddaughter of) Simon Cordero, uno de los primeros colonos de la comarca."

Ten known children of Lope Hierro de Cereceda Olarte and Beatris Grados Cordero:

Bartolome Hierro de Zereceda Grados born about 1625 Valle de Allende-Chihuahua Catalina Olarte y Cereceda born about 1629 Valle de Allende-Chihuahua Luisa de Olarte born about 1620s Valle de Allende-Chihuahua Maria de Olarte born about 1620s Valle de Allende-Chihuahua Juan Lope de Hierro y Cereceda born about 1627 Valle de Allende-Chihuahua Our ancestor Andres de Hierro y Cereceda born about 1632 Valle de Allende-Chihuahua Ana Yerro de Cereceda born November 21, 1637 Valle de Allende-Chihuahua Pedro Hierro y Cereceda born about 1640s Valle de Allende-Chihuahua Michaela Hierro y Cereceda born about 1648 Valle de Allende-Chihuahua

Lope Hierro and Beatris Grados listed as deceased in the October 8, 1680 Parral marriage record of son Pedro del Hierro to Thomasa Ojeda

Captain Lope Hierro de Zereceda and Beatris Grados established as parents of Captain Bartolome Hierro Y Zereceda Grados in son Bartolome Hierro Y Zereceda Grados February 16, 1684 Parral will that neatly connects the dots.

Shared note

Named in death record of their son Bartolome in 1684 and by their daughter in law Antonia de Vera in her will. And in a record from the Parral Fondos dated 1668 their son states that his parents are deceased.

"Testamentarias, Ciudad de Durango, Oct 27 1668 Testimonio de los autos y diligencias hechas por los albaceas del capitán Lope Hierro, por la liquidación del remanente de sus bienes, que de ellos se funde una capellanía y la venta que para ellos se hizo de la Hacienda del Canutillo a favor del capitán Cristóbal Martín Muñoz.

Lope and wife Beatriz were named executor of someone's estate but they died themselves soon after, according to the documents. No date given.

Last change October 29, 201920:23:16

by: Tom McCabe