| John E. GADDISBirth: July 1862 26 21 — Warrick Co., IN Death: November 3, 1863 — Warrick Co., IN | William Alfred GADDISBirth: April 12, 1864 28 22 — Indiana Death: April 9, 1947 — Bartlesville, Washington Co., OK | | Walter Chalmers GADDISBirth: July 1869 33 28 — Olney, Richland Co. IL Death: October 14, 1935 — Mt Sterling, Brown Co., IL | Priscilla Mae GADDISBirth: July 10, 1870 34 29 — Olney, Richland Co., IL Death: May 19, 1949 — Palestine, Illinois | | Robert Uriah GADDISBirth: August 20, 1874 38 33 — Wayne City, Wayne Co., ILL. Death: July 30, 1937 — Fairfield, Illinois | | Frank E GADDISBirth: March 22, 1879 42 37 Death: August 29, 1881 — buried in Slocumb Cemetery in Fairfield IL | Bert N. GADDISBirth: August 1881 45 40 — Illinois Death: January 1949 — Melrose Park, IL |
John GADDISBirth: March 26, 1836 36 — Indiana or Penn. or Mansfield, Richland Co., Ohio Death: May 12, 1915 — Fairfield, Wayne Co., Illinois |
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Ann Priscilla STILLBirth: May 29, 1841 26 28 — Holborn, London, England Death: May 21, 1915 — Fairfield, Wayne Co., Illinois |
|  |  |  | William STILLBirth: January 7, 1815 32 36 — London, England Death: October 24, 1849 — Serpentine River, County Middlesex, London, England |
| |  | Ann Priscilla SUMMERSBirth: November 21, 1812 25 27 — Guernsey, Channel Islands, England Death: March 28, 1880 — Warrick Co., IN |
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Marriage | August 8, 1861
| Event | 50th Anniversary 1911
Note: Newspaper article celebrating their 50th anniversary. Newspaper article celebrating their 50th anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gaddis on August 8th passed the fiftieth milestone that marks their journey of married life. They have been residents of this city the past fifteen years.
Mr. Gaddis was born at Gettysburg, Pa., March 26th, 1836. At an early age he served an apprenticeship in Cincinnati, Ohio, as a carpenter. He operated the first planing mill in Evansville Ind., during his early manhood.
Mrs. Gaddis' maiden name was Priscilla Still. She was born in London, England, May 31, 1841. She came to this country at the age of 16 years. The couple was married at Millersburg, Ind., Aug. 8, 1861.
Forty years ago Mr. Gaddis established a furniture factory in Olney, which he conducted for a time. He came to this city 39 years ago and established a hardwood saw mill. He sawed and donated the lumber used in constructing the present M. E. church building. Later he established a flour mill in connection with his saw mill on the site now occupied by the Fairfield ice plant. This mill was later burned. He went to Wayne City some 28 years ago and engaged in the saw milling business, and also established the flour mill there, later owned by Paul Hardy. He sawed and donated the hardwood lumber for the Wayne City Christian church. In 1896 he returned to Fairfield and built the flour mill now being operated by his son, B. N. Gaddis.
By a former marriage Mr. Gaddis had one daughter, Mrs. A. S. Jessop, of Xenia. This couple has been the parents of six children: William, Robert and Bert N., in this city; Charles Gaddis, at Mt. Sterling, Ill., Jacob Gaddis, of Weatherford, Okla., and Mrs. M. C. Morris, of Xenia, Ill. There are 24 grand-children. Several children have died.
The venerable couple live alone on Southern depot street in this city, and are enjoying fairly good health for people of their age.
The golden wedding day was celebrated in a quiet sort of way, the couple receiving the congratulation of relatives and such friends as had been advised of the affair. That they may live to celebrate many more wedding anniversaries, is the wish of their many friends in which the PRESS joins heartily.
Wayne County Illinois Press
August 17, 1911
| Media object | John Gaddis & Wife, Ann Priscilla STILL GaddisFormat: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 640 × 526 pixels File size: 23 KB Type: Photo Note: Photo shared by wnh181 on ancestry.com.
| Last change | August 22, 2017 – 21:50:18
by: Tom McCabe | |