Gomez & Rosales Family of El Paso

Manuel Joseph MONZON + Pomposa MUÑOZ

2 children

Parents Grandparents

Family group information

1777 Census of Jimenez, Chihuahua [page 4] Casa de Pomposa Monzon Maria Gertrudis Dias, su nieta Casa de Francisco Covos Susana (sic) Monzon, su esposa [probably Juana]

From: Padron de Jimenez, Chihuahua-1777 Santo Cristo de Burgos Archivo General de Indias, AGI – Indiferente, 1526 Syl Fernandez-Magdaleno & Alizé Juarez, 2016


This is likely son of Manuel Monson of Jimenez:

UAir > Collections › Documentary Relations of the Southwest › Biofile MONSON, MELISIO BID Number 5697 BirthN.D.: GUAXOQUILLA Occupation1779 Feb 26: PARRAL/(ENLISTED, 7TH RESERVE COMP.DRAGONES PROVINCIALES DE SAN CARLOS)1779 Oct 26: PARRAL/(TRANSFER TO VOLANTE COMPANY) Family MONSON, MANUEL (F)MUNOZ, PONPA (M) Notes AGE LISTED 20

AZU FILM 318, PARRAL 1779 B, FR. 675

Last change April 8, 202119:16:09

by: Tom McCabe