Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

Juan de TRUJILLO + Elvira Sanchez JIMENEZ

1 child

Parents Grandparents

Family group information

Note: Juan Trujillo passed muster in El Paso in 1681 and 1684 in Ysleta as the head of a household consisting of nine members. He returned to New Mexico with his first wife, New Mexico native Elvira Sánchez de Jiménez, the daughter of Antonia de Córdoba and Eugenia de Herrera... Another son, Baltazar, the widower of Nicolaso Espinosa, became the husband of Inés González Bas in 1728.

Note: Juan de Trujillo and his wife, Elvira Sánchez Jiménez, both natives of the Rio Abajo, returned with …
Shared note

15 Mar 1706, in Santa Fé, Juan Trujillo gave testimony in the case of alleged bigamy of Diego Arias de Quirós. In this testamony, Juan referred to his son Baltasar Trujillo, who had given testimony two days earlier that he was the son of Juan Trujillo and Elivira Jiménez. Juan declared he was a "mestizo married to Ana de Herrera, Spanish, and was the son of Cristóbal Trujillo and his legitimate wife, María de Sandoval, coyota." He also stated that he was sixty years of age and a native of New Mexico.

"Revised Trujillo Family Genealogy," Herencia, 19:2, pp. 3-4

Last change June 2, 202121:24:28

by: Tom McCabe