Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025


1 child

Parents Grandparents

Anastacia RIOJAS
Birth: April 26, 1865 36 20San Buenaventura, Coahuila, Mexico
Death: November 11, 1924Villa Lamadrid, Coahuila (Coahuila de Zaragoza), México
Family group information
Civil marriage August 2, 1915
Note: Marriage record names Otila's parents as Anselmo Muñoz and Anastasia Riojas.

Named in civil birth record of their son Jesus Rodriguez.

Shared note

It is likely that Jesus Rodriguez Viera, son of Petra Viera, and Jose Jesus Galvan Viera, also son of Petra Viera, are the same person or are both sons of Francisco Galvan born about 1893. The only other conclusion is that Petra gave birth to her son Jesus Rodriguez out of wedlock after her husband Francisco Galvan died. Petra never remarried after Francisco died in the 1890s and she always retained the name Petra Viera, widow of Galvan. No other mention of Cecilio Rodriguez and Petra Viera have been found in the San Luis Potosí archives.

Last change August 15, 202202:43:42

by: Tom McCabe