Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025

William STILL + Ann Priscilla SUMMERS

8 children
Will Still as Union SoldierWilliam Frederick STILL
Birth: July 3, 1839 24 26St Andrew Parish, Holborn, City of London, County of Middlesex, England
Death: October 16, 1918Xenia, Wayne Co., IL
Marriot STILL
Birth: 1842 26 29Holborn, Middlesex, England
Death: August 10, 1843Holborn, Middlesex, England
Mary Ann STILL
Birth: May 1845 30 32Holborn, Middlesex, England
Death: October 19, 1845Holborn, Middlesex, England

Parents Grandparents

Family group information
Marriage January 22, 1837
Media objectShip Palestine circa 1840Ship Palestine circa 1840
Format: image/jpeg
Image dimensions: 1,354 × 966 pixels
File size: 690 KB
Shared note

WITNESSES at the marriage- James OLIVER and Mary STILL

Last change October 18, 202415:15:39

by: Tom McCabe