Name Nicolas Cano
Sex Male
Spouse's Name Maria de los Reies
Spouse's Sex Female
Event Type Marriage
Event Date 28 Jun 1644
Event Place San José, Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, México
I've created this family because of the information in the investigation into the attack on Francisca de Garfias in 1669. According to the records, in the attack on the household, Antonia Cano, age 15, was killed and her sister Josepha de los Reis (Reyes) was a witness. At first, I considered these to be family members of Diego Cano de los Rios and Francisca Garfias, but on looking at the testimony, never were they described as family members and the spelling for Josepha's surname was alway Reis, not Rios. Even when the same scribe was recording the testimony. In the church records of Valle de Allende there was a marriage of Nicolas Cano and Maria de los Reyes in 1644. I have speculated that Antonia and Joseph would have been offspring from this marriage.