Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025


6 children
John Weaver “Amos” HAMILTON
Birth: September 22, 1863 49 29Trinity Co Tx
Death: April 27, 1932Donna, Hidalgo Co, Tx

Parents Grandparents

Family group information
Census 1860
Note: 1860 Census for Joel Hamilton , Age: 45, Birth Place: North Carolina
Census 1870
Note: 1870 Census Indicates parents Joel and Rebecca were dead. Some of the children were living with rel…
Census 1880
Note: In 1880 the surviving children continued to live with relatives:

Children names taken from pedigree of Susan Hamilton on gedmatch, a DNA match to us and US Census 1860, 1870.

Last change April 29, 201621:35:13

by: Tom McCabe