Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025


8 children

Parents Grandparents

Family group information
Marriage about 1752

Note: Some genealogist have stated that Frances' surname was Vardemam. The Vardeman family and the Bennett families were neighbors in Va and Ga. The most reliable Vardeman genealogists are confident of this claim but acknowledge that is is probably unprovable.

Thomas Snow, Jr., married Rachel, daughter of Peter and Frances Bennett in 1781; a letter filed with their marriage bond, dated Oct. 27, 1781, is as follows:

"To the Clerk of Bedford Court, Sir: Please to grant the Lysence of Marriage between Thomas Snow and Rachel Bennett, and this our note shall prevent dammidges occurring. In witness whereof we have set our hands and seals," signed Rachel Bennett, Sr., Elizabeth Perry, Frances F. Bennett: Thomas Adams, security for Thos. Snow's marriage bond.

Last change January 24, 201309:39:19