Tom McCabe's Genealogy 2025


No children

Parents Grandparents

Family group information
Marriage October 30, 1820
Ann Porter Summers Remarried in 1820 to John Stinner of 13th Foot
Ann Porter Summers Remarried in 1820 to John Stinner of 13th Foot

Note: A record in Scotlands People states that John Stenna (John Stinner) of the 13th Foot in Edinburgh Castle married Ann Porter, relict of Sgt Summers of the same unit, in 1820. John Stinner does not appear in 13th Regiment musters after 1821.


Note: John Stinner's name does not appear in any muster records of the 13 Regiment of Foot after 1821. Apparently Stinner, his wife Ann Porter Summers Stinner and her daughter Ann PriscillaSummers left the British Army after 1820.
Last change May 16, 202015:13:21

by: Tom McCabe