| Henry SCOTTBirth: August 2, 1829 48 30 — Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England Death: April 11, 1846 — Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England | James SCOTTBirth: about 1833 52 34 — Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England | Elizabeth SCOTTBirth: November 13, 1834 53 36 — Graveley Burial: July 27, 1842 — Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England | Thomas SCOTTBirth: January 8, 1837 56 38 — Graveley Death: June 28, 1845 — Graveley, Eng | Ann SCOTTBirth: April 1840 59 41 — Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England Death: September 17, 1840 — Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England | Robert SCOTTBirth: October 20, 1842 61 44 — Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England Death: February 24, 1917 — Nevada, MO |
Thomas SCOTTBirth: about 1781 — Bury, Huntingdonshire, England Death: January 7, 1854 — Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England |
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Jane BRAINESBirth: September 30, 1798 30 26 — Keystone, Huntingdonshire, England Death: March 14, 1845 — Graveley, Eng |
|  |  |  | Thomas BRAINESBirth: September 1768 — Grafton Underwood, Northhamption, England Death: June 26, 1850 — Keystone, Huntingdonshire, England |
| |  | Elizabeth DRAPER?Birth: 1772 — Grafton Underwood, Northamptonshire, England Death: February 10, 1837 — Keystone, Huntingdonshire, England |
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Religious marriage | July 18, 1828
Note: After Mary died Thomas Scott remarried: From the Cambridgeshire: - Registers of Marriages, 1538-183… After Mary died Thomas Scott remarried: From the Cambridgeshire: - Registers of Marriages, 1538-1837
Marriages at Curry Rivel, 1642 to 1812.
Marriages at Graveley, 1599 to 1837.
Volume 4.
County: Cambridgeshire
Country: England
Thomas Scott & Jane Brain 18 Jul 1828
| Census | 1841
Note: Living in same household: Thomas 60, Jane 45, Henry 12, James 9, Elizabeth 9, Thomas 5
| Media object | Old Ordinance Survey Map of Graveley Area, circa 1830Format: image/png Image dimensions: 1,412 × 808 pixels File size: 1,745 KB Type: Map | Last change | September 28, 2024 – 17:11:54
by: Tom McCabe | |