| Olive SUMMERSBirth: June 1760 22 19 — Dursley, Gloucestershire, England | Frederick SUMMERSBirth: November 1787 49 47 — Cam near Dursley, Gloucestershire, England Death: 1820 | | John SUMMERSBirth: March 4, 1767 28 26 — Dursley, Gloucestershire Death: March 4, 1767 — Dursley, Gloucestershire, England | Thomas SUMMERSBirth: February 13, 1770 31 29 — Dursley, Gloucestershire | | | Mary SUMMERSBirth: September 5, 1775 37 34 — Dursley, Gloucestershire | Edward SUMMERSBirth: October 28, 1777 39 37 — Dursley, Gloucestershire Death: 1848 — Dursley, Gloucestershire, England | William SUMMERSBirth: February 19, 1779 40 38 — Dursley, Gloucestershire Death: February 24, 1779 — Dursley, Gloucestershire | Ann SUMMERSBirth: August 6, 1780 42 39 — Dursley, Gloucestershire | Martha SUMMERSBirth: November 5, 1787 49 47 — Dursley, Gloucestershire |
Charles SUMMERSBirth: May 1738 — Near Cam, Gloucestershire Death: January 12, 1817 — Dursley, Gloucestershire, England |
|  |  |  | John? SUMMERSDeath: February 1749 — Cam near Dursley, Gloucestershire, England |
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Martha VIZARDBirth: September 19, 1740 30 — Dursley, Gloucestershire, England Death: June 10, 1810 — Dursley, Gloucestershire |
|  |  |  | | |  | Martha SINNEGARBirth: August 1, 1710 — Dursley, Gloucestershire, England Death: February 1777 — Dursley, Gloucestershire, England |
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Religious marriage | January 2, 1760
Note: Register of Dursley Parish: Register of Dursley Parish:
Charles Summers of the parish of Cam in the county of Gloucester, batchelor and Martha Vizard of this parish, spinster, married in this church by License this second day of January in the year 1760 by C Wallington.
| Note | As of 2009, Charles and Martha are the presumed parents of Frederick Summers of Dursely, based upon baptism records of Dursley. They were the only Summers family that had a son named Frederick in the 1780s. There was a George Frederick Summers born to different parents, but apprenticeship and other records from the 1800s show he was not Frederick Summers, the soldier from the 35th Foot.
| Last change | July 30, 2015 – 03:16:43
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