Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family


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Showing 1 to 17 of 17
Given names
Archibald Sharp
Benjamin Franklin Sharp
about 1822203AL6Tate Co, MS
Cassa Belle Sharp
about 1874151Tate Co, MS0
Demmon Baker Sharp
July 9, 18541707October 8, 192110367
Eugene Sharp
Eugene Barren Sharp
September 5, 1887137Rockingham Co, NC0April 3, 19655977
Ira Emma Sharp
February 16, 1888137Strayhorn, Tate Co, MS0July 29, 19814393Murray, Calloway Co, KY
Lester David Sharp
March 8, 1876149Strayhorn, Tate Co, MS0June 10, 19596583Bethesda Cem, Tate Co, MS
Lula Ella Sharp
December 15, 1881143Strayhorn, Tate Co, MS0June 12, 19616379Longtown Cem, Panola Co, MS
Martha J. (Mattie) Sharp
1852173DeSoto Co, MS0
Mary (Mollie) Sharp
Mary (Polly) Sharp
31839186Madison Twp, Rockingham Co, NC
Pink Sharp
November 22, 1883141Strayhorn, Tate Co, MS0September 28, 19626278Singleton Spgs, Tate Co, MS
Sarah Sharp
about 1865160DeSoto Co, MS0
Thomas Lee Sharp
January 23, 1893132Strayhorn, Tate Co, MS0January 7, 19794685Bethesda Cem, Tate Co, MS
Walter Franklin Sharp
February 11, 1879146Strayhorn, Tate Co, MS0June 12, 19616382Longtown Cem, Panola, MS
Willie Ruth Sharp
August 20, 1891133Strayhorn, Tate Co, MS0January 8, 19735281Bethesda Cem, Tate Co, MS