Elizabeth StidhamAge: 71 years1838–1909
- Name
- Elizabeth Stidham
- Given names
- Elizabeth
- Surname
- Stidham
Family with Berry Granville Gann |
husband |
Berry Granville Gann Birth: 1826 32 37 — Carroll, Fayette Co, GA Death: August 9, 1878 — Dye Mound, Montague Co, TX |
herself |
Elizabeth Stidham Birth: 1838 — GA Death: March 9, 1909 — Dye Mound, Montague Co, TX |
Marriage: January 15, 1857 — Haralson Co, GA |
14 months son |
Nathan Adam Gann Birth: March 3, 1858 32 20 — Marion Co, AL Death: May 4, 1939 — Marlow, Stephens Co, OK |
22 months daughter |
Mary A. Gann Birth: 1859 33 21 — AL Death: July 29, 1939 — Dye Mound, Montague Co, TX |
4 years daughter |
Nancy E. Gann Birth: 1862 36 24 — Marion Co, AL Death: |
3 years son |
Hiram Gann Birth: 1864 38 26 — TN Death: |
23 months son |
William Austin Gann Birth: November 1865 39 27 — TN Death: November 1942 — Purcell, McClain Co, OK |
5 years daughter |
Savannah Tenasee Gann Birth: May 1870 44 32 — Montague Co, TX Death: |
5 years daughter |
Laura Gann Birth: April 25, 1875 49 37 — Montague Co, TX Death: August 5, 1928 — Dye Mound, Montague Co, TX |
Note | From Wayne Gann, 18305 Hidden Falls, Eagle River, AK 99577 8/26/94 email David R. Stiddem (StiddemDav@aol.com) REF for marriage and death info: Diane Gann of Eagle River, Alaska writing to Jack Stidham, 12/94 REF: Diane Gann - "Berry and Elizabeth traveled to Texas by Wagon train. They first stopped in Cooke Co. then went on Montague Co. where they made their final home. Not positive Elizabeth was daughter of Adam [295b] Stidham. However, Adam moved to Haralson Co., Georia in 1854. In 1857, Elizabeth was married in Haralson Co. (REF: Al Turner) |