Edith GannAge: 12 months1915–1916
- Name
- Edith Gann
- Given names
- Edith
- Surname
- Gann
Family with parents |
father |
John Franklin Gann Birth: July 14, 1894 46 42 — Herd Switch, Benton Co, AR Death: May 1974 — Fresno, CA |
mother |
Mary Elizabeth Parmeter Birth: December 9, 1897 Death: Whittier, CA |
herself |
Edith Gann Birth: 1915 20 17 — Collinsville, Tulsa Co, OK Death: 1916 |
3 years younger brother |
Earl George Gann Birth: 1917 22 19 — Gentry, Benton Co, AR Death: 1977 — Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO |
sister |
Private |
younger brother |
John Franklin Gann Birth: 1921 26 23 Death: 1980 — Seattle, WA |
3 years younger brother |
Gail Clair Gann Birth: 1923 28 25 — Waynoka, Woods Co, OK Death: 1980 — FL |
Father’s family with Private |
father |
John Franklin Gann Birth: July 14, 1894 46 42 — Herd Switch, Benton Co, AR Death: May 1974 — Fresno, CA |
step-mother |
Private |
Note | From Dorotha Dean Anderson, Hesperia, CA. |