Sarah DelaneyAge: 64 years1792–1856
- Name
- Sarah Delaney
- Given names
- Sarah
- Surname
- Delaney
Family with parents |
herself |
Sarah Delaney Birth: 1792 — TN Death: April 9, 1856 — Titus Co, TX |
7 years younger sister |
Ruth Ann Delaney Birth: 1798 — Greene Co, TN Death: January 12, 1837 — Shawnee Prairie, Nacogdoches Co, TX |
Family with Ignatious Nathan Gann |
husband |
Ignatious Nathan Gann Birth: 1759 32 27 — VA Death: July 18, 1839 — Washington Co, TN |
herself |
Sarah Delaney Birth: 1792 — TN Death: April 9, 1856 — Titus Co, TX |
Marriage: December 24, 1817 — Kingston, Roane Co, TN |
11 months daughter |
Anna Jane (Jennie) Gann Birth: November 22, 1818 59 26 — Jonesborough, Washington Co, TN Death: July 12, 1891 — Como, Hopkins Co, TX |
2 years daughter |
Permelia Catherine Gann Birth: 1820 61 28 — Jonesborough, Washington Co, TN Death: February 2, 1850 — Washington Co, TN |
6 years son |
Sampson Marion Gann Birth: August 11, 1825 66 33 — Jonesborough, Washington Co, TN Death: November 25, 1909 — Dexter, Cooke Co, TX |
3 years daughter |
Margaret Malinda Gann Birth: about 1828 69 36 — Jonesborough, Washington Co, TN Death: July 6, 1919 — El Reno, Canadian Co, OK |
5 years son |
James Madison Gann Birth: December 19, 1832 73 40 — Jonesborough, Washington Co, TN Death: July 23, 1914 — Tarrant Co, TX |
4 years daughter |
Sarah Sophronia Gann Birth: May 1837 78 45 — Jonesborough, Washington Co, TN Death: after 1910 — TX |
Ignatious Nathan Gann + unknown unknown |
husband |
Ignatious Nathan Gann Birth: 1759 32 27 — VA Death: July 18, 1839 — Washington Co, TN |
husband’s wife |
unknown unknown Death: about 1788 — TN |
step-son |
John Gann Birth: about 1777 18 — Guilford Co, VA Death: |
6 years step-son |
Isaac Gann Birth: 1782 23 — Jonesborough, Washington Co, TN Death: August 7, 1846 — St. Joseph, Buchanan Co, MO |
3 years step-daughter |
Anne Gann Birth: 1784 25 — Jonesboro, Washington Co, TN Death: before September 1821 — Greene Co, TN |
2 years step-son |
George Washington Gann Birth: 1785 26 — Jonesborough, Washington Co, TN Death: after 1871 — Hamilton Co, TN |
3 years step-son |
Thomas Gann Birth: 1787 28 — Jonesboro, Washington Co, TN Death: 1833 — TN or GA |
Ignatious Nathan Gann + Susan … |
husband |
Ignatious Nathan Gann Birth: 1759 32 27 — VA Death: July 18, 1839 — Washington Co, TN |
husband’s wife |
Susan … Death: about 1810 — Washington Co, TN |
step-daughter |
Mary (Polly) Gann Birth: 1790 31 — Jonesboro, Washington Co, TN Death: 1865 — Lufkin, Angelina Co, TX |
3 years step-daughter |
Rebecca Gann Birth: 1792 33 — Jonesborough, Washington Co, TN Death: after 1813 — Hamilton Co, TN |
2 years step-daughter |
Elizabeth Gann Birth: about 1793 34 — Jonesborough, Washington Co, TN Death: June 1, 1877 — Fair Garden, Sevier Co, TN |
2 years step-son |
Nathan Gann Birth: 1794 35 — Jonesboro, Washington Co, TN Death: March 24, 1877 — Haralson Co, GA |
4 years brother-in-law |
William Gann Birth: 1797 38 — Washington Co, TN Death: November 25, 1872 — Crockett, Houston Co, TX |
1 year step-daughter |
Susannah Gann Birth: 1797 38 — Jonesboro, Washington Co, TN Death: 1850 — St. Joseph, Buchanan Co, MO |
2 years step-son |
Solomon Gann Birth: about 1798 39 — Washington Co, TN Death: August 26, 1884 — Hamilton Co, TX |
11 years step-daughter |
Lucinda Gann Birth: 1808 49 — Washington Co, TN Death: after 1893 — Talladega Co, AL |
Ignatious Nathan Gann + Mary … |
husband |
Ignatious Nathan Gann Birth: 1759 32 27 — VA Death: July 18, 1839 — Washington Co, TN |
husband’s wife | |
Marriage: December 1814 — Washington Co, TN |
Note | From William R. Gann, Independence, MO. From Joy Gann Brown, Hillsborough, NC. |