Adam Alfred GannAge: 52 years1819–1871
- Name
- Adam Alfred Gann
- Given names
- Adam Alfred
- Surname
- Gann
Family with Jane Susannah Lafollett |
himself |
Adam Alfred Gann Birth: February 12, 1819 — Hamilton Co, TN Death: December 24, 1871 — Greenwood, Sebastian Co, AR |
wife |
Jane Susannah Lafollett Birth: January 1, 1819 39 26 — Sevier Co, TN Death: December 3, 1887 — Greenwood, Sebastian Co, AR |
Marriage: October 1, 1837 — Jefferson Co, TN |
15 months daughter |
Sarah J. Gann Birth: 1838 18 19 — Sevier Co, TN Death: September 20, 1933 — Elkland, Webster Co., MO |
3 years daughter |
Margaret Catherine Gann Birth: March 28, 1841 22 22 — TN Death: July 19, 1902 |
3 years son |
William Vinyard Gann Birth: October 15, 1843 24 24 — Hamilton Co, TN Death: December 27, 1915 — Dayton, Sebastian Co, AR |
15 months son |
Henry Farrow Gann Birth: January 8, 1845 25 26 Death: January 22, 1879 — Dallas Co, MO |
4 years daughter |
Malisa Gann Birth: 1848 28 29 — Hamilton Co, TN Death: before 1860 |
23 months daughter |
Malinda Louisa Gann Birth: December 9, 1849 30 30 — Hamilton Co, TN Death: February 16, 1935 — Blair, Jackson Co, OK |
2 years son |
Alford Alexander Gann Birth: 1851 31 32 — Ganntown, Johnson Co, IL Death: |
4 years son |
George Gann Birth: 1854 34 35 — Ganntown, Johnson Co, IL Death: |
5 years son |
Marion Francis (Frank) Gann Birth: March 10, 1859 40 40 — Greenwood, Sebastian Co, AR Death: June 24, 1935 — Caney, Atoka Co, OK |
5 years daughter |
Susan Emeline Gann Birth: 1863 43 44 — Greenwood, Sebastian Co, AR Death: 1960 — TX |
Note | From Rudene Graham, 3310 Stoney Brook, Houston, TX 77063 From Theola Baker, 164 Rube's Rd, Rose Bud, AR 72137 (501) 556-5443 6/8/96. 1840 Census Sevier Co, TN, page 179, age 20-30, head of household. 1850 Hamilton Co, TN, Dist. 27, H-384-791, p 399 stamped; age 30, head; Susanna 30; Sarah 12; Margaret 10; Vinyard 7; Henry 5; Malica 2; Malinda 8/12. 1860-Sebastian Co, AR, Bates Twp, Greenwood P O 133, p. 1087 stamped, 44, head. 1870-Sebastian Co, AR, Bates Twp., Greenwood P O, p. 083, age 60, head Resided: Sevier Co, TN; Hamilton Co, TN, Possibly Ganntown, Johnson Co, IL; possibly Ganntown, MO, (half way between Charity, Dallas Co, MO, & Conway, MO; Bates Twp, Sebastian Co, AR, on Bean Ridge in what was called Center Valley on the old Cornish-Auborn Rd. The family lived on what became known as the old Stewart Place. Area is east of Greenwood and north of Wright Lake. Adam Alfred was a Union sympathizer who lived in Sebastian County, AR. From "End of the Bushwack War: The Pact of Silence" 1972 by Horace Bryan. ...about a year before his death I talked to Will Gann, age 103, who was a grandson of Adam Gann, who, with his brother, Robert, progenerated one of South Sebastian country's larger pioneer families. The Ganns, along with their kinsman, the Beens (Beans), stuck with the Union. (Adam's son, William Vineyard, and brother, Robert, who was married to Rachel Bean, were in the Union Army). Adam Gann and a son were hanged by Confederate Bushwhackers. The son died on the rope; Adam was cut down by members of the family but died in a few years from the rope wounds. No record or information has been found that proves Robert and Adam Alfred were blood brothers. There is evidence in Hamilton Co, TN court records that could prove that Robert was the son of Thomas and Sarah McArster Gann. In these court records Adam Alfred Gann is not listed as being one of the children of Thomas Gann. |