Margaret Catherine GannAge: 61 years1841–1902
- Name
- Margaret Catherine Gann
- Given names
- Margaret Catherine
- Surname
- Gann
Family with parents |
father |
Adam Alfred Gann Birth: February 12, 1819 — Hamilton Co, TN Death: December 24, 1871 — Greenwood, Sebastian Co, AR |
mother |
Jane Susannah Lafollett Birth: January 1, 1819 39 26 — Sevier Co, TN Death: December 3, 1887 — Greenwood, Sebastian Co, AR |
Marriage: October 1, 1837 — Jefferson Co, TN |
15 months elder sister |
Sarah J. Gann Birth: 1838 18 19 — Sevier Co, TN Death: September 20, 1933 — Elkland, Webster Co., MO |
3 years herself |
Margaret Catherine Gann Birth: March 28, 1841 22 22 — TN Death: July 19, 1902 |
3 years younger brother |
William Vinyard Gann Birth: October 15, 1843 24 24 — Hamilton Co, TN Death: December 27, 1915 — Dayton, Sebastian Co, AR |
15 months younger brother |
Henry Farrow Gann Birth: January 8, 1845 25 26 Death: January 22, 1879 — Dallas Co, MO |
4 years younger sister |
Malisa Gann Birth: 1848 28 29 — Hamilton Co, TN Death: before 1860 |
23 months younger sister |
Malinda Louisa Gann Birth: December 9, 1849 30 30 — Hamilton Co, TN Death: February 16, 1935 — Blair, Jackson Co, OK |
2 years younger brother |
Alford Alexander Gann Birth: 1851 31 32 — Ganntown, Johnson Co, IL Death: |
4 years younger brother |
George Gann Birth: 1854 34 35 — Ganntown, Johnson Co, IL Death: |
5 years younger brother |
Marion Francis (Frank) Gann Birth: March 10, 1859 40 40 — Greenwood, Sebastian Co, AR Death: June 24, 1935 — Caney, Atoka Co, OK |
5 years younger sister |
Susan Emeline Gann Birth: 1863 43 44 — Greenwood, Sebastian Co, AR Death: 1960 — TX |
Family with Rufus Leroy Bean |
husband |
Rufus Leroy Bean Birth: November 26, 1840 — Yalobusfa or, Tallahatche, MS Death: October 27, 1927 |
herself |
Margaret Catherine Gann Birth: March 28, 1841 22 22 — TN Death: July 19, 1902 |
Marriage: September 6, 1861 — Hamilton Co, TN |
16 months daughter |
Susan Jane Bean Birth: 1862 21 20 — AR Death: 1942 |
6 years daughter |
Martha Melissa Bean Birth: 1867 26 25 Death: |
20 months son |
James Hazzard Bean Birth: September 13, 1868 27 27 Death: March 31, 1902 |
2 years daughter |
Laura Raines Bean Birth: February 17, 1871 30 29 Death: |
16 months son |
William Lee Bean Birth: June 29, 1872 31 31 Death: January 11, 1928 |
3 years son |
Hugh Nathaniel Bean Birth: July 27, 1875 34 34 Death: April 17, 1963 |
3 years son |
John Arnenious Bean Birth: May 4, 1878 37 37 Death: April 22, 1961 |
3 years daughter |
John Esther Bean Birth: December 14, 1880 40 39 Death: January 28, 1913 |
Note | From Rudene Graham, 3310 Stoney Brook, Houston, TX 77063 From Carol Jones, 9493 Aldabra Ct, San Diego, CA 92129 1/5/96. |