Marion Francis (Frank) GannAge: 76 years1859–1935
- Name
- Marion Francis (Frank) Gann
- Given names
- Marion Francis (Frank)
- Surname
- Gann
Family with parents |
father |
Adam Alfred Gann Birth: February 12, 1819 — Hamilton Co, TN Death: December 24, 1871 — Greenwood, Sebastian Co, AR |
mother |
Jane Susannah Lafollett Birth: January 1, 1819 39 26 — Sevier Co, TN Death: December 3, 1887 — Greenwood, Sebastian Co, AR |
Marriage: October 1, 1837 — Jefferson Co, TN |
15 months elder sister |
Sarah J. Gann Birth: 1838 18 19 — Sevier Co, TN Death: September 20, 1933 — Elkland, Webster Co., MO |
3 years elder sister |
Margaret Catherine Gann Birth: March 28, 1841 22 22 — TN Death: July 19, 1902 |
3 years elder brother |
William Vinyard Gann Birth: October 15, 1843 24 24 — Hamilton Co, TN Death: December 27, 1915 — Dayton, Sebastian Co, AR |
15 months elder brother |
Henry Farrow Gann Birth: January 8, 1845 25 26 Death: January 22, 1879 — Dallas Co, MO |
4 years elder sister |
Malisa Gann Birth: 1848 28 29 — Hamilton Co, TN Death: before 1860 |
23 months elder sister |
Malinda Louisa Gann Birth: December 9, 1849 30 30 — Hamilton Co, TN Death: February 16, 1935 — Blair, Jackson Co, OK |
2 years elder brother |
Alford Alexander Gann Birth: 1851 31 32 — Ganntown, Johnson Co, IL Death: |
4 years elder brother |
George Gann Birth: 1854 34 35 — Ganntown, Johnson Co, IL Death: |
5 years himself |
Marion Francis (Frank) Gann Birth: March 10, 1859 40 40 — Greenwood, Sebastian Co, AR Death: June 24, 1935 — Caney, Atoka Co, OK |
5 years younger sister |
Susan Emeline Gann Birth: 1863 43 44 — Greenwood, Sebastian Co, AR Death: 1960 — TX |
Family with Mary Frances Dooly |
himself |
Marion Francis (Frank) Gann Birth: March 10, 1859 40 40 — Greenwood, Sebastian Co, AR Death: June 24, 1935 — Caney, Atoka Co, OK |
wife |
Mary Frances Dooly Birth: April 11, 1863 — Dallas or Greene Co, MO Death: December 12, 1903 — Wapanucka, Indian Territory, OK |
Marriage: June 26, 1881 — Denton Co, TX |
9 months daughter |
Dicie Gann Birth: March 29, 1882 23 18 — TX Death: February 27, 1916 — Wynnewood, Garvin Co, OK |
18 months son |
Alfred Jefferson (Jeff) Gann Birth: September 15, 1883 24 20 — Honey Grove, Fannin Co, TX Death: March 17, 1915 — OK |
2 years daughter |
Mary Elisabeth (Molly) Gann Birth: November 12, 1885 26 22 — TX Death: December 29, 1955 — OK |
23 months son |
George Thomas (Tom) Gann Birth: October 19, 1887 28 24 — TX Death: October 20, 1972 — OK |
2 years son |
infant Gann Birth: November 6, 1889 30 26 — TX Death: TX |
14 months son |
Eligah Gann Birth: December 29, 1890 31 27 — TX Death: TX |
son |
Elisha Gann Birth: December 29, 1890 31 27 — TX Death: TX |
10 months child |
infant twin Gann Birth: November 4, 1891 32 28 — TX Death: TX |
child |
infant twin Gann Birth: November 4, 1891 32 28 — TX Death: TX |
18 months daughter |
Martha Gann Birth: May 4, 1893 34 30 — TX Death: May 5, 1972 |
2 years daughter |
Laura Jane Gann Birth: September 12, 1895 36 32 — TX Death: July 4, 1935 |
2 years son |
William Andrew Gann Birth: November 14, 1897 38 34 — TX Death: December 6, 1986 — OK |
4 years daughter |
Susan (Susie) Gann Birth: May 9, 1901 42 38 — Direct, Lamar Co, TX Death: March 11, 1986 — Madill, Marshall Co, OK |
2 years son |
Roy Gann Birth: July 13, 1903 44 40 Death: July 11, 1904 |
Family with Peggy Wallis |
himself |
Marion Francis (Frank) Gann Birth: March 10, 1859 40 40 — Greenwood, Sebastian Co, AR Death: June 24, 1935 — Caney, Atoka Co, OK |
wife |
Peggy Wallis Birth: 1854 Death: |
Marriage: January 23, 1906 — Wapanucka, Indian Terr. |
Note | From Rudene Graham, 3310 Stoney Brook, Houston, TX 77063 From Theola Baker, 164 Rube's Rd, Rose Bud, AR 72137 (501) 556-5443 6/8/96. !Frank Gann was born about four miles from Greenwood, AR in Bates Twp. 1870 Federal census, Sebastian Co. AR, lists name as Francis Marion Gann. 1920 census, Atoka Co. OK, lists name as Frank M. Gann. However, 1920 census has middle initial misplaced. The overwhelming evidence from public records is that Marion Francis Gann is the name he used throughout life. !Marriage record of M. F. Gann to M. F. Dooly on 26 June 1881 in Denton Co, TX. Recorded in Vol. 2, page 88 of county record book. Filed 4 July 1881 in County Clerk's office. Ceremony performed by Elder J.M. Robinson. !1860 Sebastian Co., AR, Bates Twp, Greenwood Post Office, p. 1087; age 1, enumerated with parents. 1870 Sebastian Co., AR, p. 083, Bates Twp. 1880 not located, 1900 Fannin Co. TX, E.D. 74, Sheet 9, Line 84. 1910 not located. 1920 Atoka Co. OK, E.D. 3, Sheet 13, Line 6. !Second marriage license obtained 15 Jan 1906. Ceremony performed 23 Jan. 1906 by T.P. Willingham M.G., credentials recorded Book A, page 218 in Clerk of Court's office, Indian Terr., Central District. Certificate of marriage filed 26 Jan 1906 in Book 3, page 171, at Wapanucka. !According to family remembrance, the couple did not live together very long, perhaps only 3-4 months. Not known whether legally divorced or just separated permanently. Peggy Wallis believed to be the mother of Alec (or Elic) Wallace/Wallis. !Marion Francis' occupation: Farmer. Also woodsman who felled trees near Stringtown, Atoka, OK, to be made into railroad ties. Family lived in a logging camp under canvas tenting as shelter. Later lived in sod house built into a hillside. During teenage years was a cowboy drover who herded cattle to market, as told to Wm. T. Walden, grandson. May have been a cowboy with cousin Geo. W. Gann of Greenwood AR who stayed in the occupation. !While moving the family to OK, the wagons hit quicksand in the Red River, overturned, and were swept away in the current. Several in the family almost lost their lives, according to W.T. Walden, as told to him by his mother and grandfather. |