Anna Elizabeth SkinnerAge: 70 years1898–1969
- Name
- Anna Elizabeth Skinner
- Given names
- Anna Elizabeth
- Surname
- Skinner
![]() | November 1, 1898 |
![]() | Joseph Vincent McCollum — View this family November 28, 1919 (Age 21 years) |
![]() | September 4, 1969 (Age 70 years) |
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Family with Joseph Vincent McCollum |
husband |
Joseph Vincent McCollum Birth: March 14, 1897 44 33 Death: March 3, 1986 — Livingston Co, MO |
herself |
Anna Elizabeth Skinner Birth: November 1, 1898 — New York, NY Death: September 4, 1969 — Livingston Co, MO |
Marriage: November 28, 1919 — New York, NY |
Note | From Marie Dryden, Chillicothe, MO. Obituary Sept. 4, 1969: Mrs. Anne Elizabeth McCollum, RFD 4, Chillicothe, died at 11 o'clock Wednesday evening at the Chillicothe hospital. Mrs. McCollum had been seriously ill since May 1, and hospitalized only three hours. Mrs. McCollum was a member of St. Columban's Catholic church. A daughter of Edward Skinner and Elizabeth (Sullivan) Skinner, she was born Nov. 1 1898 in New York City. She attended school in New York and resided there until 1931 when she came to the Springhill community for a residence. On Nov. 28 1919, she was married to Joseph Vincent Mccollum in New York. She is survived by her husband; a daughter, Mrs. Ray (Eileen) Miller, RFD 3, Chillicothe; two sisters, Mrs. Lizzie Coffman, Clearwater, Fla., andSister Elizabeth Loretta, Vincent on the Hudson, in New York. She also leaves three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Preceding Mrs. McCollum in death were a son, Alfred Edward; a brother; two sisters, and a grandson. Memorial services and mass will be held at 9 o'clock Saturday morning from St. Columban's church with the Rev. Sylvester Hoppe as celebrant of the mass. Interment will be in St. Columban's cemetery. The parish rosary will be recited at 8 o'clock Friday evening at the chapel of the Norman Funeral Home. |