Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Theodore Floto

Theodore Floto
Given names
MarriageMinerva GannView this family
before 1857


From Incidents from the Farm Account Books of James Beard Crutcher 1857 to 1893, Caseyville, Morganfields, KY, by Tess Elliott: Feb. 18 1865 T. Floto moved to the Drake farm from Caseyville. Mar. 25, 1869 T. Floto and Wesley Cowan had a fa? fight. Cowan drunk go the worst of it. Badly beat up about the head. (Theodore Floto, blacksmith, age 52 in 1870 & wife Minerva listed in Caseyville Pct.) Jan. 29, 1872 Wesley Cowan died at T. Floto's. Buried at Caseyville. He was recently in a bad fight with Floto. He died in the same house his infair was held in. Later entry says he is brother to William Cowan Jr.