Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Vernon Harvey GannAge: 74 years18961970

Vernon Harvey Gann
Given names
Vernon Harvey
Birth July 21, 1896 26 20
Death of a paternal grandfatherJames Harvey Gann
September 26, 1919 (Age 23 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherElizabeth Breeze
July 27, 1930 (Age 34 years)
Death of a motherNaomi Tucker
April 14, 1936 (Age 39 years)
Death of a fatherDavid Nathan Gann
August 31, 1945 (Age 49 years)
Death August 22, 1970 (Age 74 years)


From Gene Gann, Greenwood, MO.

Vernon was born near Odessa, MO. He was a retired farmer. He died immediately of a heart attack. He is buried in the Crescent Hill Cemetery.