Walter Laud GannAge: 100 years1885–1986
- Name
- Walter Laud Gann
- Given names
- Walter Laud
- Surname
- Gann
Family with parents |
father |
James Robert (Huey) Gann Birth: October 10, 1854 21 19 — Cobb Co, GA Death: September 26, 1916 — Bridgeport, Wise Co, TX |
mother |
Amanda J. Matthews Birth: 1851 — Paulding Co, GA Death: April 19, 1891 |
Marriage: October 17, 1872 — Dallas, Paulding Co, GA |
23 months elder sister |
Martha Lula Gann Birth: September 5, 1874 19 23 — Paulding Co, GA Death: March 12, 1892 — Snyder, Wise Co, TX |
18 months elder sister |
Ella Adell Gann Birth: March 5, 1876 21 25 — Yorkville, Paulding Co, GA Death: September 29, 1962 — Chickasha, Grady Co, OK |
2 years elder sister |
Lela Saleta Gann Birth: April 21, 1878 23 27 — Yorkville, Paulding Co, GA Death: March 21, 1976 — Chickasha, Grady Co, OK |
3 years elder sister |
Emma Tabatha Gann Birth: November 15, 1880 26 29 — Yorkville, Paulding Co, GA Death: September 27, 1948 — Bridgeport, Wise Co, TX |
3 years elder brother |
James Huey Gann Birth: August 23, 1883 28 32 — Yorkville, Paulding Co, GA Death: January 28, 1950 — Chickasha, Grady Co, OK |
2 years himself |
Walter Laud Gann Birth: November 24, 1885 31 34 — Yorkville, Paulding Co, GA Death: April 25, 1986 — Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Co, OK |
2 years younger brother |
Thomas Grover Gann Birth: April 19, 1888 33 37 — Yorkville, Paulding Co, GA Death: June 26, 1955 |
Father’s family with Bertha S. Thompson |
father |
James Robert (Huey) Gann Birth: October 10, 1854 21 19 — Cobb Co, GA Death: September 26, 1916 — Bridgeport, Wise Co, TX |
step-mother |
Bertha S. Thompson Birth: 1859 Death: March 1, 1938 |
Marriage: February 14, 1892 — Snyder, Wise Co, TX |
Family with Hettie Mae Jeter |
himself |
Walter Laud Gann Birth: November 24, 1885 31 34 — Yorkville, Paulding Co, GA Death: April 25, 1986 — Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Co, OK |
wife |
Hettie Mae Jeter Birth: April 18, 1898 — Wise Co, TX Death: August 20, 1990 — Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Co, OK |
Marriage: April 26, 1915 — Tarrant Co, TX |
Note | From Kim Seale, 4005 Arrowcrest Lane, Garland, TX 75044. |