Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Robert GannAge: 33 years1829/30 CE1863

Robert Gann
Given names
Birth 1829/30 CE (1830) 34 17
Birth of a brotherRussell Gann
April 1834 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a sisterSarah Gann
about 1836 (Age 5 years)
Birth of a brotherAndrew Jefferson Gann
July 18, 1839 (Age 9 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherThomas Gann
July 25, 1840 (Age 10 years)
Birth of a sisterMary Gann
December 1842 (Age 12 years)
Birth of a sisterLydia A. (Liddey) Gann
January 1843 (Age 12 years)
MarriageRachel M. BeanView this family
August 15, 1845 (Age 15 years)
Birth of a sisterMartha Gann
about 1847 (Age 16 years)
Birth of a daughter
Louisa Jane Gann
about 1849 (Age 18 years)
Birth of a sisterLucinda Gann
April 1849 (Age 19 years)
Birth of a sisterAmanda Gann
about 1850 (Age 19 years)
Death of a fatherThomas Gann
1850 (Age 19 years)
Birth of a son
Samuel Gann
1851 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a son
Sim Gann
about 1851 (Age 20 years)

Birth of a daughter
Mary Isabelle Gann
May 15, 1852 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a son
Thomas Oliver Gann
July 1, 1854 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a son
George Washington Gann
November 28, 1857 (Age 27 years)
Birth of a daughter
Martha Jane Gann
August 1, 1858 (Age 28 years)
Birth of a daughter
Sarah Frances (Sally) Gann
October 10, 1860 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a daughter
Emeline Tennessee Gann
August 15, 1862 (Age 32 years)
Death November 14, 1863 (Age 33 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: June 10, 1818Rhea Co, TN
3 years
elder brother
11 years
-5 years
elder sister
2 years
elder brother
14 months
elder brother
23 months
elder brother
2 years
elder sister
6 years
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
4 years
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
2 months
younger sister
5 years
younger sister
2 years
younger sister
21 months
younger sister
Family with Rachel M. Bean - View this family
Marriage: August 15, 1845Chattanooga, Hamilton Co, TN
4 years
3 years
1 year
16 months
2 years
3 years
8 months
2 years
22 months


From Rudene Graham, 3310 Stoney Brook, Houston, TX. From Theola Baker, 164 Rube's Rd, Rose Bud, AR 72137 (501) 556-5443 6/8/96. Billy Joe Gann, Greenwood, AR. From Phyllis Horsman, 1032 River Hills Circle, Chattanooga, TN 37415 (423)756-1924 8/31/96

From Federal Archives Pension File: Robert was a private in Company I, 1st Regiment, Arkansas Volunteer Infantry. Enrolled March 1, 1863 at Fayetteville, Arkansas. Robert and Rachel were married "Aug. 15, 1849 by Esq. Isaac Thomas, Justice of the Peace at his residence." Proof As to Death--Thos. G. Scott testifies: "that while the Regiment was enroute for Waldron, Scott County, Arkansas, November 14, 1863, many of the officers and men of the Regiment resided in the neighborhood through which the road passed, permission was granted to many of the soldiers to visit their families as they passed through, many of which were in a very destitute circumstances. That said Robert Gann was of the number receiving such permission, he having a large family of helpless children, most of whom were girls. That soon after his arrival at home he was killed by Guerillas or Bush Whackers. That his means of knowledge is that he was present with the Regiment when said permission was given--was personally acquainted with the soldier from enlistment to his death. Knows he was truly loyal to the Government and an excellent citizen. Killed Nov. 14 1863." George H. Cook and Narcissa Jones testify as to soldiers death. He was killed in Sebastian County, Arkansas, was shot by the Rebels Nov. 14, 1863. Narcissa Jones saw his body after his death, cause of death was a gun shot passing through his head. Both said Affiants attended his funeral". Children listed in pension file: Mary Isabella Gann born May 15, 1852, Hamilton Co, TN; Thomas Oliver Gann born Feb 9, 1853, Jan 29, 1854, or Jan 8 1855, Webster Co, MO; George Washington Gann born Oct 27, 1855, or Oct 11, 1856, Webster Co, MO; Martha Jane Gann born Aug 1 1855, Aug 8 1858, or Aug 2 1858, Franklin Co, AR; Sarah Frances Gann born Sept 1 1860, Aug 2 1860, or Oct 1, 1860, Sebastian Co, AR; Emily Tennessee Gann born Aug 31 1862, Sebastian Co, AR. 24 Dec 1866 Rachel Gann says that she is unable to procure evidence of the birth of her children for the following reasons. Mary Isabelle Gann was born in Hamilton County, East Tenn, Thomas O. & George W. was born in Webster Co, Mo, Martha Jane born in Franklin Co, Ark, the attending physician is dead. Children were never baptized. 15 Aug 1867 Rachel says that "the above is a true & correct statement of her childrens birth & names so far as her best recollect serves her. That her family record was distroyed during the war, and she has no record to refer to."

Private No. 28 Approved Jun 19 1912 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws-- The name of Rachel Gaun, widow of Robert Gaun, late of Company I, First Regiment Arkansas Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month. I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of that part of act relating to beneficiary named, as it appears in copy certified by Department and on file in Law division. C. C. Stauffer, Chief Clerk. Jun 27 1917 [written in margin "correct surname Gann"]

Robert moved to Arkansas and was in the Sabastian County 1860 census. He was killed there. The story told is that the company Robert was with was passing near his home and the soldiers from there were allowed to leave to help their families while the company was in the area. Robert was sharpening an axe when a group of men rode up and shot him. He begged for a drink and they wouldn't let his wife give him one. They poured out her molasses and winter supplies and destroyed new dresses she had made for the girls. They supposedly said something to the effect, "We got your brother and now you." Jones Cemetery is located off Tater Hill Road.

Death: Shot dead by bushwhackers in his own back yard while on furlough. Local person McConnell in on group who shot Robert. Robert was in his backyard cutting a limb to make an ax-handle when they rode up on horseback and shot him. Killing witnessed by sons Thomas and George. Womenfolk hauled Robert's body over Backbone Mtn. in a two-wheel handcart to bury him.

Census: 1850 Hamilton Co., TN, H100-751; age 20, head of household. 1860 Sebatian Co., AR, Bates Twp., Greenwood Post Office, p. 1087; age 30, head of household.

In an Affidavit in Chancery Ct. Record, Hamilton Co, Tenn. #9604, Robert's sister Mary wrote in 1904. "I last heard of him about 48 years ago [ca. 1868]. His wife wrote to her folks that he had died. I don't know whether he left any children or not. He died in Kansas." (In a later court document written by the Clerk to the Judge, he states that Robert died in Arkansas. (Maybe the first reference to "Kansas" was misunderstood by the person writing it