Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Francis Marion GannAge: 82 years18481930

Francis Marion Gann
Given names
Francis Marion
Birth March 12, 1848 28 31
Birth of a brotherThomas Gann
March 12, 1850 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a sisterNancy Ann Gann
January 5, 1852 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a sisterSally Adeline Gann
October 4, 1854 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a brotherJohn Gann
August 17, 1855 (Age 7 years)
Birth of a brotherJames Madison Gann
July 31, 1859 (Age 11 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherSarah (Sally) Painter
1860 (Age 11 years)

MarriageClara Jane AlleyView this family
September 10, 1865 (Age 17 years)
Birth of a son
Joseph Gann
1866 (Age 17 years)
Death of a sonJoseph Gann
1866 (Age 17 years)
Death of a brotherJohn Gann
June 13, 1866 (Age 18 years)
Birth of a daughter
Rebecca Ann Gann
November 18, 1868 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a son
James M. Gann
September 7, 1869 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a son
John Wiley Gann
June 22, 1870 (Age 22 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherJohn (Jack) Gann
November 5, 1871 (Age 23 years)
Death of a sonJames M. Gann
July 16, 1872 (Age 24 years)

Birth of a daughter
Martha Jane Gann
January 22, 1873 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a son
Starling Columbus (Lum) Gann
November 16, 1875 (Age 27 years)
Death of a fatherCornelius Gann
December 2, 1875 (Age 27 years)
Birth of a son
George C. Gann
September 9, 1878 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a son
Marion Joseph Gann
September 16, 1880 (Age 32 years)
Birth of a son
Franklin Newton (Newt) Gann
December 17, 1881 (Age 33 years)
Death of a sonGeorge C. Gann
1881 (Age 32 years)
Birth of a daughter
Lucy Elizabeth Gann
April 17, 1885 (Age 37 years)
Birth of a son
Thomas Jefferson Gann
April 1886 (Age 38 years)
Marriage of a childThomas Franklin (Frank) LeganRebecca Ann GannView this family
October 9, 1887 (Age 39 years)
Death of a brotherThomas Gann
November 1, 1888 (Age 40 years)
Marriage of a childThomas Grant BoydMartha Jane GannView this family
January 3, 1889 (Age 40 years)
Birth of a son
Andrew Jackson (Jack) Gann
October 20, 1889 (Age 41 years)
Marriage of a childJohn Wiley GannIda May SteverView this family
October 20, 1892 (Age 44 years)
Marriage of a childStarling Columbus (Lum) GannAlice Eliza DillView this family
November 11, 1900 (Age 52 years)
Marriage of a childMarion Joseph GannSusie Florence ClineView this family
October 11, 1901 (Age 53 years)
Marriage of a childFranklin Newton (Newt) GannNellie WilkersonView this family
November 30, 1902 (Age 54 years)
Marriage of a childJames Walter “Cracky” ClineLucy Elizabeth GannView this family
March 15, 1904 (Age 56 years)

Death of a motherLydia J. Moreland
February 27, 1905 (Age 56 years)
Marriage of a childThomas Jefferson GannLaura Evelyn (Eva) AdamsView this family
October 13, 1907 (Age 59 years)
Marriage of a childAndrew Jackson (Jack) GannRuby Jewell ClineView this family
August 22, 1908 (Age 60 years)
Death of a sisterSarah Elizabeth (Bet) Gann
November 15, 1910 (Age 62 years)
Death of a sisterMartha Jane Gann
August 27, 1912 (Age 64 years)
Death of a sisterNancy Ann Gann
April 18, 1917 (Age 69 years)

Death of a daughterLucy Elizabeth Gann
January 9, 1924 (Age 75 years)
Death May 1, 1930 (Age 82 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: March 3, 1841Hamilton Co, TN
10 months
elder sister
3 years
elder sister
3 years
elder sister
14 months
2 years
younger brother
22 months
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
10 months
younger brother
John Gann
Birth: August 17, 1855 36 38Webster Co, MO
Death: June 13, 1866Dallas Co, MO
4 years
younger brother
Family with Clara Jane Alley - View this family
Marriage: September 10, 1865Dallas Co, MO
16 months
3 years
10 months
9 months
3 years
3 years
3 years
2 years
15 months
3 years
1 year
4 years


From Dorretta Moore, R 4, Box 305K, Blanchard, OK 73010-9407. (405)392-5046 11/11/95. From Dorretta Moore, 30 Oct, 2004

Settled on a farm about 2 3/4 miles east and 3/4 miles south of the village of Charity, MO, approximately 2 miles from Francis' father, Cornelius, where they lived out their days. They were active in the Green Mountain Missionary Baptist Church near their home. Before marrying Clara, Francis had served in the Union Army during the Civil War. The family is listed on the 1880 Federal census, Washington, Dallas Co., Missouri, 10-24-1-21: Frances M. 32 born Tennessee, C. J. 33 born Kentucky, Rebeca 12, Jas. W. 9, M. Jane 7, Cornelus 5, G. R. 1, all born in Missouri.

From the National Archives Pension File #1011839: Francis M. Gann was a private in Company F, 16th Regiment, Missouri Volunteer Cavalry. Joined Aug 1864, served until 23 June 1865, being the youngest soldier in his regiment. Files recorded death as May 1, 1930 Conway, MO. !1860 Dallas Co., Mo census.

From "History of Laclede, Camden, Dallas, Webster, Wright, Texas, Pulaski, Phelps & Dent Counties, Missouri" published 1889, Goodspeed Publishing Co. Francis M. Gann, who is also classed among the prominent and enterprising citizens of Dallas County, was born in Hamilton County, Tenn., March 12, 1848, and is the son of Cornelius and Lydia (Morland) Gann, natives of Tennessee and North Carolina, respectively. The father was born August 3, 1819, and died in Dallas County, MO., December 3, 1875. The mother was born in 1817, and is still living on the old homestead in Washington Township, Dallas County, MO. They were married in Tennessee, where they lived until 1853, when they came to Webster County, MO., and there resided until 1857. They then came to Dallas County, and located in the neighborhood of where their son, Francis M., now lives. He was a successful farmer, the result of industry and good management, was a Republican in politics, and both he and wife were members of the Baptist Church for many years, he being deacon of the same. In 1861 he enlisted and served six months in the State Militia, or Home Guards, then enlisted in Company B, Twenty-Fourth Missouri Infantry, Federal Army, and served until honorably discharged at St. Louis, MO., in the latter part of 1864. He was in the battles of Pea Ridge, Tupelo, Miss., Pleasant Hill, LA., and many other skirmishes. To his marriage were born ten children, our subject being the fourth: Sarah E., Martha J., Delilah, Francis M., Thomas (deceased), Nancy, Sallie, James M., John and Henry D. Thomas was born March 12, 1850, and died November 1, 1888. Of this family Francis M. is the eldest son. He remained at home and assisted in taking care of the balance of the family until seventeen years of age, or until August, 1864, when he enlisted in Company F, Sixteenth Missouri Cavalry, Federal Army, and served until June 23, 1965, he being the youngest soldier in his regiment. On September 10, 1865, he married Miss Clara J. Alley, a native of Kentucky, born November 23, 1847, and the daughter of Wiley and Charlotta (Shelton) Alley. This union was blessed by the birth of ten children, viz: James W., who died when seven years of age; Rebecca Ann, wife of T.F. Legan, a farmer of Dallas County, MO.; John W., at home; Martha J., at home; Starling C., also at home; George R., died in his third year; Marion, Joseph, Franklin N., Lucy E., and Thomas J. When first married Mr. Gann began life as a farmer, and this he has since continued. He is the owner of a well-located and well-improved farm, and he and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, Mr. Gann at present being clerk of the same. He is a Republican in politics, and is a member of the G.A.R.