William Riley (Bill Moon) GannAge: 84 years1843–1927
- Name
- William Riley (Bill Moon) Gann
- Given names
- William Riley (Bill Moon)
- Surname
- Gann
Family with parents |
father |
Calvin (Cab) Gann Birth: 1823 30 32 — Hamilton Co, TN Death: Dallas Co, MO |
mother |
Priscilla Olinger Birth: 1821 — Greene Co, TN Death: Dallas Co, MO |
Marriage: 1843 — TN |
9 months himself |
William Riley (Bill Moon) Gann Birth: September 28, 1843 20 22 — Hamilton Co, TN Death: November 28, 1927 — Dallas Co, MO |
5 years younger sister |
Pelina Jane Gann Birth: 1848 25 27 — Hamilton Co, TN Death: |
3 years younger brother |
John Gann Birth: 1850 27 29 — Hamilton Co, TN Death: February 8, 1906 — Webster Co, MO |
5 years younger sister |
Sarah Gann Birth: 1854 31 33 Death: |
2 years younger brother |
James Hyder Gann Birth: March 11, 1856 33 35 — Dallas Co, MO Death: July 15, 1943 — Conway, Laclede Co, MO |
2 years younger brother |
Anderson Gann Birth: August 24, 1858 35 37 — Dallas Co, MO Death: September 24, 1919 — Grand Pass Twp, Saline Co, MO |
4 years younger sister |
Lucinda E. Gann Birth: 1862 39 41 — Dallas Co, MO Death: |
15 months younger brother |
Charles Frances (Crip) Gann Birth: March 20, 1863 40 42 — Dallas Co, MO Death: August 23, 1926 — Conway, Laclede Co, MO |
Family with Martha Jane Gann |
himself |
William Riley (Bill Moon) Gann Birth: September 28, 1843 20 22 — Hamilton Co, TN Death: November 28, 1927 — Dallas Co, MO |
wife |
Martha Jane Gann Birth: September 17, 1844 25 27 — Hamilton Co, TN Death: August 27, 1912 — Dallas Co, MO |
Marriage: October 30, 1864 — Dallas Co., MO home of Martha's father, Cornelius Gann |
9 months daughter |
Sarah Frances (Sadie) Gann Birth: August 15, 1865 21 20 — MO Death: September 14, 1947 |
2 years son |
Thomas Jefferson “Bud” Gann Birth: October 10, 1867 24 23 — Dallas Co, MO Death: June 28, 1955 — Turlock, Stanislaus Co, CA |
17 months daughter |
Nancy Jane Gann Birth: February 25, 1869 25 24 — Dallas Co., MO Death: August 21, 1925 — Laclede Co., MO |
2 years son |
James “Jim” Anderson Gann Birth: April 25, 1871 27 26 — Dallas Co., MO Death: May 18, 1938 |
3 years daughter |
Lidia Ann Gann Birth: May 28, 1874 30 29 — Dallas Co., MO Death: November 8, 1954 — Dallas Co., MO |
3 years son |
Daniel Gann Birth: January 5, 1877 33 32 — Dallas Co, MO Death: January 5, 1877 — Dallas Co, MO |
23 months son |
Edward Gann Birth: November 24, 1878 35 34 — Dallas Co, MO Death: December 9, 1878 — Dallas Co, MO |
daughter |
Ida Gann Birth: November 24, 1878 35 34 — Dallas Co, MO Death: December 8, 1878 — Dallas Co, MO |
17 months son |
Noah Gann Birth: April 13, 1880 36 35 — MO Death: April 10, 1959 |
3 years daughter |
Ollie Gann Birth: September 28, 1882 39 38 — Dallas Co, MO Death: September 30, 1882 — Dallas Co, MO |
2 years daughter |
Theodoshe (Josie) Gann Birth: October 24, 1884 41 40 — MO Death: September 8, 1965 — San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA |
3 years son |
William Riley Gann Birth: July 31, 1887 43 42 — Dallas Co, MO Death: November 4, 1889 — Dallas Co, MO |
Family with Laura A. Webber |
himself |
William Riley (Bill Moon) Gann Birth: September 28, 1843 20 22 — Hamilton Co, TN Death: November 28, 1927 — Dallas Co, MO |
wife | |
Marriage: July 5, 1913 — Lebanon, Laclede Co, MO |
Note | From Paul Thurman Butler, 2502 Utica, Joplin, MO,64801. From Craig Hubbard, 1847 Garnet St, Corona, CA 91710 12/28/95. On 1850 Hamilton Co, TN census, 217,217: Listed with father Calvin Gann--William 5. Listed on 1880 Fed census, Washington, Dallas Co., MO, 10-24-8-17: William 30 born TN, Martha J. 29 born TN, Sarah T 15, Thomas J. 12, Nancy J., 10, James 7, Lida A. and Noah 2/12 all born in Missouri. William R. Gann and Martha Jane Gann Jane Gann were first cousins. From Federal Archives Pension File #807750: William Gann served as a private in Company B, Regiment 24, Missouri Volunteer Infantry. Records gives date of death os Nov. 28, 1927. Conway Weekly Record--28 Nov 1927: Funeral services were conducted at Green Mountain Church Tuesday afternoon by Rev. Joe Pinkney and burial was in the nearby cemetery. He is survived by the following children: Noah Gann, Mrs. Joe Carter of Conway, Tom and James Gann of Shoto, OK, Mrs. Sadie Dill, Tulsa, OK, and Mrs. John Dill, Elkland, MO |
Note | From Dorretta Moore Marriage date and place for William & Martha is from their family bible which is now in the hands of a descendant living in CA. |