Joseph Elijah GannAge: 53 years1876–1930
- Name
- Joseph Elijah Gann
- Given names
- Joseph Elijah
- Surname
- Gann
Family with parents |
father |
Enoch Thomas (ET) Gann Birth: August 12, 1856 21 21 — Knoxville, Knox Co, TN Death: February 3, 1925 — Little Rock, Pulaski Co, AR |
mother |
Ruthie Angeline (Angie) Parsons Birth: May 12, 1858 — Tuscaloosa Co, AL Death: March 18, 1934 — Little Rock, Pulaski Co, AR |
Marriage: November 28, 1873 — Holland, Faulkner Co, AR |
3 years himself |
Joseph Elijah Gann Birth: November 11, 1876 20 18 — Faulkner Co, AR Death: February 17, 1930 — Georgetown, White Co, AR |
4 years younger sister |
Lenora Dora Gann Birth: August 27, 1880 24 22 — AR Death: August 21, 1883 — Holland, Faulkner Co, AR |
3 years younger brother |
Alexander Lee Gann Birth: July 6, 1883 26 25 — Holland, Faulkner Co, AR Death: April 16, 1958 — Modesto, Stanislaus Co, CA |
3 years younger sister |
Emma S. Gann Birth: January 22, 1886 29 27 — Searcy, White Co, AR Death: March 27, 1971 — Van Buren, Crawford Co, AR |
3 years younger brother |
Henry D. (Etter) Gann Birth: February 10, 1889 32 30 — AR Death: before 1958 |
3 years younger sister |
Sarah Jane Gann Birth: November 5, 1891 35 33 — AR Death: |
17 months younger brother |
Virgil Ruppard Gann Birth: April 3, 1893 36 34 — Holland, Faulkner Co, AR Death: April 14, 1975 — Ward, Lenoke Co, AR |
3 years younger sister |
Nellie Gann Birth: July 15, 1896 39 38 — AR Death: July 23, 1973 — Little Rock, Pulaski Co, AR |
Family with Alice (Ally) Scott |
himself |
Joseph Elijah Gann Birth: November 11, 1876 20 18 — Faulkner Co, AR Death: February 17, 1930 — Georgetown, White Co, AR |
ex-wife | |
Marriage: October 17, 1897 — White Co, AR |
Divorce: — |
Family with Myrtle McInturff |
himself |
Joseph Elijah Gann Birth: November 11, 1876 20 18 — Faulkner Co, AR Death: February 17, 1930 — Georgetown, White Co, AR |
wife |
Myrtle McInturff Birth: March 24, 1895 Death: November 20, 1980 — Flint, Genesee Co, MI |
Marriage: March 15, 1917 — White Co, AR |
Note | From Rubie K. Gann Golart, 3430 Blue Mountain Dr, San Jose, CA 95127 (408)-251-3501. Listed on 1900 census with wife Alice, had 1 child, none living. Joseph went to Georgetown, AR to work in a sawmill, and while there contracted smallpox and was confined to the rooming house where he had been living. When Myrtle heard he was sick, she demanded to enter so she could care for him. The doctor Vaccinated her and she was allowed to enter. Joseph died and no one was allowed to attend the funeral except for those who have survived having smallpox. Myrtle was not allowed to attend, she was confined to that same rooming house for 21 days. Myrtle had left her children in the care of Joseph's sister Emma. |