Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Zada Jewel BoboAge: 92 years18981991

Zada Jewel Bobo
Given names
Zada Jewel
Birth October 29, 1898
MarriageAubrey GannView this family
1919 (Age 20 years)
DivorceAubrey GannView this family

Death of a husbandAubrey Gann
December 2, 1972 (Age 74 years)
Burial of a husbandAubrey Gann
December 6, 1972 (Age 74 years)
Death May 17, 1991 (Age 92 years)
Burial May 20, 1991 (3 days after death)
Family with Aubrey Gann - View this family
Aubrey Gann
Birth: February 27, 1902 30 16Briggs, Burnet Co, TX
Death: December 2, 1972Lancaster, Dallas Co, TX
Zada Jewel Bobo
Birth: October 29, 1898Brownwood, Brown Co, TX
Death: May 17, 1991Grand Saline, Van Zandt Co, TX
Marriage: 1919TX


Isabel Cowperthwait, 406 Crete Dr, Deep Park, TX 77536.

Zada met Aubrey while they were both picking cotton. She worked in fields of West Texas with Aubrey. They moved from one farm to another where work was available. Zada had very little education and she never knew any other work than to do field work and to have her seven children. Her first house was built in San Angelo, Texas by Aubrey and his father, Oliver Solomon Gann. When Oliver died a new house was built by Aubrey. Zada lived there with her children until 1937. She was on her way to Dallas on a Trailway's bus when the bus had an accident in Stephensville, Texas. Her back was broken in three places, and she was in a cast for 18 months. She bought a farm in Millersville, Texas next to the farm of John Gann and lived there with her children and Aubrey for three years. Aubrey wanted to move to the city, so the farm was sold to John Gann. She moved to a house on Sixteenth Street in Grand Prairie, Texas. She and Aubrey were divorced in 1943. She sold her home in Grand Prairie nd moved to a farm in Colfax, Van Zandt County, Texas. She lived there and took care of her son, Oliver Aubrey, and his children until Oliver died, and she was put in a nursing home in Grand Saline until her death.