Sarah J. PattyAge: 94 years1839–1933
- Name
- Sarah J. Patty
- Given names
- Sarah J.
- Surname
- Patty
![]() | April 6, 1839 |
![]() | Louis Gann — View this family May 9, 1867 (Age 28 years) |
![]() | September 19, 1933 (Age 94 years) |
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Family with Louis Gann |
husband |
Louis Gann Birth: October 29, 1847 25 27 — Hamilton Co., TN Death: February 12, 1936 — Elkland, Webster Co., MO |
herself |
Sarah J. Patty Birth: April 6, 1839 Death: September 19, 1933 — Elkland, Webster Co., MO |
Marriage: May 9, 1867 — Dallas Co., MO |
Note | From Dorretta Moore, R 4, Box 305K, Blanchard, OK 73010 (405) 392-5046 7/13/96 Patty was not her maiden name according to her death certificate. Her father's name is Alfred Pollet and mother listed as Susan (????) Pollet. Apparently she was married to Cornealius "Nealy" Patty and others believe she was married to another person before the Patty marriage. According to her death certificate she died in Dallas County. Death certificate number; 29187 Copied from a narrative on Adam Alford Gann: Children of Adam Alfred GANN and Jane Susannah "Susan" LAFOLLETTE were as follows: Second child, Sarah Jane GANN, born 6 Apr 1839 in , Sevier Co, TN; died 1933 in Thorpe, Dallas Co, MO; buried in Thorpe Cem, Dallas Co, MO. She married (1)Francis D. WILBURN; (2) Cornelius "Neal" PATTY; (3) Lewis GANN. Sarah Jane2 GANN (Adam Alfred1), born 6 Apr 1839 in , Sevier Co, TN; died 1933 in Thorpe, Dallas Co, MO; buried in Thorpe Cem, Dallas Co, MO. She married (1) on 20 Feb 1859 in , , Sebastian Co, AR Francis D. WILBURN, died 28 Oct 1864 in Fayetteville, Washington Co., AR; (2) abt Feb 1865 in Fayetteville, Washington Co, AR, divorced Cornelius "Neal" PATTY; (3) abt 1866 in Thorpe, Dallas Co, MO Lewis GANN, born 29 Oct 1847 in , , MO, son of Silas Boaz GANN and Catherine (HARRIS) Gann. Notes for Sarah Jane GANN CENSUS: 1840-1850, enumerated with parents. 1870 Dallas Co., MO, p. 225 stamped; age 29, enumerated with 3rd husband Louis Gann. MARR1: Performed by Wm. Cole, Esq. Rufus L. Been & Berry Putnam attended wedding. (cf Francis D. Wilburn's pension file) RES: In 1907 at Dallas CO., MO. Sarah Jane's first husband, Francis Wilburn was killed in the Civil War. Four months later, Sarah Jane caused no small scandal in the family by disrespecting the dead, according to her mother, and marrying Cornelous "Neal" Patty. Apparently, Sarah was something of a spitfire, for less than a year after their marriage, Neal told cousin Lewis Gann that Sarah Jane was "too mean" and that he didn't want her anymore. Supposedly, Lewis Gann traded Neal a knife in order to have Sarah Jane for his wife. Neal ran off with a young girl less than a year after his and Sarah Jane's marriage. No marriage record or, for that matter, divorce record has yet been found for Sarah Jane and Neal Patty. In 1870, Sarah Jane and Lewis were living in Dallas Co., MO. In 1907, Sarah Jane was still living in Dallas Co. Notes for Francis D. WILBURN MIL: Civil War, Union, Co. C, 1st Ark Cav. Killed at Fayetteville, AR. Pension File in Wash. D.C. Served in Civil War, Union Army, co. C, 1st Ark. Cav. Killed at Fayetteville, AR. Widow Sarah Jane Gann remarried about 4 months after his death. Children of Sarah Jane GANN and Francis D. WILBURN were as follows: 13 i James Alfred3 WILBURN, born 21 Mar 1860 in Bates Twp, Greenwood, Sebastian Co, AR; died 16 Dec 1939. He married (---)(PUTNAM) Wilburn. BIRTH: Attendant was Martha J. (Stinson) Steele Douglas. |