Amanda “Mandy” BeanAge: 82 years1834–1917
- Name
- Amanda “Mandy” Bean
- Given names
- Amanda "Mandy"
- Surname
- Bean
![]() | February 1834 |
![]() | John Gann — View this family January 28, 1866 (Age 31 years) |
![]() | John Gann May 1903 (Age 69 years) |
![]() | January 8, 1917 (Age 82 years) |
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Family with John Gann |
husband |
John Gann Birth: February 1826 30 13 — TN Death: May 1903 — Hamilton Co, TN |
herself |
Amanda “Mandy” Bean Birth: February 1834 — TN Death: January 8, 1917 — Conway, Laclede Co, MO |
Marriage: January 28, 1866 — Hamilton Co, TN |
John Gann + Martha Stidmore |
husband |
John Gann Birth: February 1826 30 13 — TN Death: May 1903 — Hamilton Co, TN |
husband’s wife | |
Marriage: about 1847 — TN |
Note | From Phyllis Horsman, 1032 River Hills Circle, Chattanooga, TN 37415 (423)756-1924 8/31/96 Dorretta Moore - 2006 Info on Amanda & parents is from MO Death Cert #1902-A; affiant was Dan Paulson of Conway, MO. Amanda Bean lived in Nashville, Davidson Co., TN, in 1850 as shown on the census: D-45-177 Bean, Robert 27 TN blacksmith; Margaret 45 VA; M. P. 23 TN; C. 15 TN; William 11 TN; S. A. 9 TN; A. J. 7 TN; Rebecca 43 TN; Amanda 15 TN; E. 7 TN; Wm. H. C. 4 TN; Penney, Mary 70 VA. It appears from this that Rebecca and/or Margaret may have been the daughter(s) of Mary Penney, 70. From the land dispute it is determined that Rebecca is Amanda's mother. Rebecca brought Amanda to Hamilton Co. by 1860 to live next door to Thomas and Polly Gann. Some felt that John's marriage to Amanda Bean was not valid because John and Martha never divorced. Hamilton Co. Chancery Court lawsuits #9521 and 9640 deal with this issue. Martha possibly died ca. 1890. In the 1870 Hamilton Co, TN census, John and Amanda lived in the 2nd District (Chickamauga), and Amanda's mother Rebecca lived with them. From the National Archives: John Gann was a private in Company F, 6th Regiment, Tennessee Voluntary Mounted Infantry. File #565199. Files states she died Jan. 8, 1917. 24 Sept 1904 in Laclede Co, MO Amanda [X] Gann signed a quit claim deed to Russ Gann and Richard Gann for real estate in First Civil Dist. of Hamilton Co, TN, being the place where John Gann, deceased, lived and died. Hamilton Co., TN, Chancery Ct. Record #9604, Andrew J. Penney was aked in Question 4, "Where is Amanda Gann now and how long has she been there." He answered, "The last news I heard from her she was in Missouri and she went there last fall about the time they settled that lawsuit [#9521 then...She is out there with her mother and I don't know when she is to return whether or not...Her sister and mother is out there and her mother is very old and I would think that she would just stay out there but I don't know." |