Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Aaron WalkerAge: 49 years18881937

Aaron Walker
Given names
Birth April 25, 1888 35 25
Birth of a sisterLaura Walker
February 1890 (Age 21 months)

Birth of a brotherJames Walker
March 1892 (Age 3 years)

Birth of a brotherNathan Walker
November 1895 (Age 7 years)

Birth of a sisterEmma Marie Walker
August 1898 (Age 10 years)

Death of a paternal grandmotherMatilda Gann
1900 (Age 11 years)

MarriageEva Clema GannView this family
December 27, 1907 (Age 19 years)

Death of a half-brotherJames Lee Walker
about 1909 (Age 20 years)

Death of a brotherNathan Walker
1910 (Age 21 years)

Death of a sisterLaura Walker
1919 (Age 30 years)

Death of a fatherSmith Walker
April 20, 1928 (Age 39 years)
Death of a half-sisterFlorence Gertrude Duckworth
October 15, 1932 (Age 44 years)
Death December 22, 1937 (Age 49 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: June 3, 1887Livingston Co, MO
11 months
22 months
younger sister
2 years
younger brother
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
Father’s family with Ann Brown - View this family
3 years
Mother’s family with Jasper Duckworth - View this family
Marriage: September 25, 1879Livingston Co, MO
11 months
Mary Elizabeth Duckworth
Birth: August 13, 1880 24 17Mooresville, Livingston Co, MO
Death: July 1, 1938Mooresville, Livingston Co. MO
17 months
17 months
Family with Eva Clema Gann - View this family
Marriage: December 27, 1907


From Sarah Walker-Hitt, 620 Washington St., Lyndon, KS 66451.

From Chillicothe Constitution Tribune, Nov. 28, 1907. Aaron Walker Arrested on Serious Charge. Twelve-year-old Girl His Accuser. It Is Alleged That He Seduced Clemmie Gann, an Orphan Girl--Was Arrested Saturday. Sheriff Yeomans received a telegram from the chief of police at Nowata, Okla. Monday stating that he had under arrest at that place, Aaron Walker of Sampsel township, who is wanted on a charge of seducting Clemmie Gann, a twelve-year-old girl, who makes her home with Mrs. Minnie Walker, also of Sampsel township. The seduction is alleged to have taken place during the month of April. The young girl kept the matter a secret from her foster mother for several months, during which time Walker remained in the county. After the girl had made a statement of the affair and her condition became known, Walker learned of it and immediately left the country. He was traced for about a week in the southern part of the state by Constable Godfrey, but all trace was lost of him after he went to the Indian Territory. Walker is the son of a prominent family, who formerly resided in Sampsel township, but moved to Polk county about two weeks ago, where they now reside. He had always borne a good reputation and this recent afair has caused much comment in the Sampsel neighborhood. Clemmie Gann is an orphan girl, her parents having died when she was a child. She has been living with Mrs. Walker for a number of years. The entire Sampsel neighborhood is worked up over the affair and it is the intention of the sheriff to bring his prisoner into Chillicothe well guarded. Sheriff yeomans wrote Governor Folk Monday morning for requisition papers, which are expected to arrive Wednesday. Immediately upon the arrival of the papers, the officers will go to Guthrie where he will have the papers honored by the governor. From there he will go to Nowata and take charge of his prisoner.

Aaron Walker, well known Chase county farmer, died suddenly at his home last Wednesday, Dec. 22nd. His death was a great shock to his family and relatives and brings deep regret to the wide circle of friends and neighbors who knew him so well. Funeral services for Aaron Walker were held from the Homestead Church Friday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. The services were in charge of Rev. Bond and interment was made in the Homestead cemetery. A choir composed of Mr. and Mrs. Pay Patton, Mrs. Myrtle Cox and E. E. Sayre sang and Mrs. Florence Mercer acted as pianist. Pallbearers were Clarence Overstreet, Walter Kruger, Frank Byram, Herbert Hayden, Martin Ludwig and Reuben Holdeman. Mr. Walker died suddenly at his home on the Henry Williams farm near Clements about 7:00 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. He had been ill for about two weeks but his condition was not believed to be serious until shortly before his death. He was one of the best known farmers of this county and had been engaged in farming here for the past twenty-eight years. Following is the obituary which was read at his funeral: Aaron Walker was born near Sampsel, Missouri, April 25, 1888 oldest son of Smith and Nancy Walker and departed this life, Dec. 22, 1937 at his home near Clements, Kansas. He spent his childhood and young manhood in Missouri. On Dec. 27, 1906 he was united in marriage to Clema Gann near Sampsel, Mo., to this union ten children were born. One son Junior preceded him in death in 1932. He and his family came to Kansas in 1909 and settled in Chase county in the Homestead community which has since been his home with the exception of 6 years spent in Polk county, Missouri. He was a loving husband, kind and devoted father and a good neighbor and will be greatly missed by all who knew him. He leaves to mourn his passing his devoted wife, 2 daughters, Ruby of the home and Mrs. Hazel Mercer of Cedar Point; 7 sons, Willard, Ralph, Archie, Allen, Dean, Vern and Donnie of the home; his aged mother, Mrs. Nancy Walker; one brother, Jim Walker of Bartlesville, Okla.; one sister, Mrs. Marie Storment of Cottonwood Falls and two half sisters, Mrs. Lizzie Best of Mooresville, Mo. and Mrs. Rose Ulrich of Ponca City, Okla., other relatives and a host of friends.From Sarah Walker-Hitt, 620 Washington St., Lyndon, KS 66451.

Aaron and Clema began their married life in Sampsel, Mo. In 1910 Aaron, Clema, Willard and the John Trussell family traveled by covered wagon from Mo into Fort Scott, KS. They followed the road through Madison and settled in Chase Co. KS in the Homestead community. They stayed less than a year returning to Polk Co. MO, because Aaron's younger brother, Nathan, died there unexpectedly. In April of 1919 Aaron and Willard, made their second trip to Chase Co. KS again by covered wagon. Clema and family soon followed on the train. They lived on the Clover Cliff Ranch, where Aaron worked by the month for 6 months. The family then moved to Lloyd Thompson's present farm and stayed there 3 months. Soon after they rented a farm in the Jackson School District for 2 yrs. In 1920, Aaron's parents, Smith and Nancy Walker, joined his family in KS. In 1922 the extended family moved to the Homestead area for 1 yr. The next year Aaron's family moved back to the Clover Cliff Ranch, where they stayed for 6 yrs. Smith and Nancy moved to Elmdale, KS, where they lived until Smith's death in 1928. Nancy then moved to Cottonwood Falls where she lived until her death in 1942. Both Smith and Nancy are buried in the Homestead Cem. On Feb. 22, 1929, Aaron moved his family to the Henry William's place between Cedar Point and Clemets. This was home for many years until Aaron's untimely death in 1937. Clema continued to live ther for some time. In the early 1950's she moved to Abilene, KS. She lived the rest of her life there and in Chase Co. She died in 1973 and was buried next to Aaron in Homestead Cem.