Eva Clema GannAge: 79 years1894–1973
- Name
- Eva Clema Gann
- Given names
- Eva Clema
- Surname
- Gann
![]() | May 15, 1894 21 |
![]() | Smana Catherine Gann 1900 (Age 5 years) |
![]() | Aaron Walker — View this family December 27, 1907 (Age 13 years) |
![]() | Aaron Walker December 22, 1937 (Age 43 years) |
![]() | November 6, 1973 (Age 79 years) |
![]() |
Family with parents |
mother |
Smana Catherine Gann Birth: July 1872 46 47 Death: 1900 — Livingston Co, MO |
herself |
Eva Clema Gann Birth: May 15, 1894 21 — Livingston Co, MO Death: November 6, 1973 — Osage Co, KS |
Family with Aaron Walker |
husband |
Aaron Walker Birth: April 25, 1888 35 25 — Livingston Co, MO Death: December 22, 1937 — Chase Co, KS |
herself |
Eva Clema Gann Birth: May 15, 1894 21 — Livingston Co, MO Death: November 6, 1973 — Osage Co, KS |
Marriage: December 27, 1907 — |
Note | From Sarah Walker-Hitt, 620 Washington St., Lyndon, KS 66451. Obituary Thursday, Nov. 15, 1973. Mrs. Aaron Walker, 79, a longtime resident of the Clements vicinity, died Tuesday, Nov. 6, in the West Haven Rest Home, Osage City, Her health had not been strong, but her death was unexpected. Other than her birth place, Mrs. Walker had lived for periods in Abilene and Cottonwood Falls. Born May 15, 1894 in Sampsel, Mo., Eva Clema Walker was the daughter of Catherine Gann and she was married to Mr. Walker in 1907 in Sampsel. He died Dec. 22, 1937. Mrs. Walker was a member of the United Methodist Church, Cottonwood Falls. Surviving her are nine children, Willard Walker, Abilene; Mrs. Ivan (Ruby) Dayhoff, Osage City; Ralph Walker, Council Grove; Mrs. David (Hazel) Mercer and Archie Walker, Cedar Point; twins, Allen Walker, Emporia, and Dean Walker, Lallabra, Calif.; Vern Walker, Abilene; Donald Walker, Little Rock, Ark.; 27 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren. One son, Aaron Walker, Jr., preceded her in death at the age of five. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 8, in the Homestead Friends Church. The Rev. Robert Craig of the Cottonwood Falls Methodist Church, officiated. Mrs. William Mercer and James Mercer sang, accompanied by Mrs. Cox. Escorts were Dennis, Aaron and David Roy Walker, Paul Mercer, Robert and Gary Dayhoff. Burial was in the Homestead Cemetery. The Coy Funeral Home here was in charge of arrangements. Attending the rites from out of the county were: Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hedrick, Assaria; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kumle, Marquette; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dayhoff, Ina Mae Cellar, Marie Kaberline, Pearl Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reese, all of Osage City. Mrs. Lois Slabaugh, Rose Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rosebraugh, El Dorado; Mrs. Virgil McLinden, Marion; Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Coryell, Junction City; Mrs. V. W. Abill, Mrs. Jack Hidicker, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walker and Lea, Council Grove; Mrs. Roger Hefling, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zurbucheon, Halstead. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dayhoff, Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ulrich, Ponca City, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Walker, Mrs. Elizabeth Estes, Ochelata, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pope, Booker, Tex.; Joelyn Seward, Grace Berends, Parson; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walker, Emporia; Mr. and Mrs. Don Walker, Little Rock, Ark.; Mr. and Mrs. Vern Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Walker, Abilene; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowley, Valley Center; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffin, Manhattan; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Armistead, Pratt; Mr. and Mrs. Dean Walker, LaHabra, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Rosebraugh, Augusta; Mrs. Larry Skett, Mrs. Joshie Melio, Tulsa, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. Rol Scott, Emporia; James Mercer, David Walker, Kansas City, Mo.; John Pinkston and Carl Pinkston, Florence. tuary Thursday, Nov. 15, 1973. Mrs. Aaron Walker, 79, a longtime resident of the Clements vicinity, died Tuesday, Nov. 6, in the West Haven Rest Home, Osage City, Her health had not been strong, but her death was unexpected. Other than her birth place, Mrs. Walker had lived for periods in Abilene and Cottonwood Falls. Born May 15, 1894 in Sampsel, Mo., Eva Clema Walker was the daughter of Catherine Gann and she was married to Mr. Walker in 1907 in Sampsel. He died Dec. 22, 1937. Mrs. Walker was a member of the United Methodist Church, Cottonwood Falls. Surviving her are nine children, Willard Walker, Abilene; Mrs. Ivan (Ruby) Dayhoff, Osage City; Ralph Walker, Council Grove; Mrs. David (Hazel) Mercer and Archie Walker, Cedar Point; twins, Allen Walker, Emporia, and Dean Walker, Lallabra, Calif.; Vern Walker, Abilene; Donald Walker, Little Rock, Ark.; 27 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren. One son, Aaron Walker, Jr., preceded her in death at the age of five. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 8, in the Homestead Friends Church. The Rev. Robert Craig of the Cottonwood Falls Methodist Church, officiated. Mrs. William Mercer and James Mercer sang, accompanied by Mrs. Cox. Escorts were Dennis, Aaron and David Roy Walker, Paul Mercer, Robert and Gary Dayhoff. Burial was in the Homestead Cemetery. The Coy Funeral Home here was in charge of arrangements. Attending the rites from out of the county were: Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hedrick, Assaria; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kumle, Marquette; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dayhoff, Ina Mae Cellar, Marie Kaberline, Pearl Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reese, all of Osage City. Mrs. Lois Slabaugh, Rose Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rosebraugh, El Dorado; Mrs. Virgil McLinden, Marion; Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Coryell, Junction City; Mrs. V. W. Abill, Mrs. Jack Hidicker, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walker and Lea, Council Grove; Mrs. Roger Hefling, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zurbucheon, Halstead. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dayhoff, Topeka; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ulrich, Ponca City, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Walker, Mrs. Elizabeth Estes, Ochelata, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pope, Booker, Tex.; Joelyn Seward, Grace Berends, Parson; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walker, Emporia; Mr. and Mrs. Don Walker, Little Rock, Ark.; Mr. and Mrs. Vern Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Walker, Abilene; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowley, Valley Center; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffin, Manhattan; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Armistead, Pratt; Mr. and Mrs. Dean Walker, LaHabra, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Rosebraugh, Augusta; Mrs. Larry Skett, Mrs. Joshie Melio, Tulsa, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. Rol Scott, Emporia; James Mercer, David Walker, Kansas City, Mo.; John Pinkston and Carl Pinkston, Florence. |