Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Lula Belle GannAge: 71 years18761947

Lula Belle Gann
Given names
Lula Belle
Birth March 10, 1876 26 26
Birth of a brotherRobert Benton Gann
August 10, 1878 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a sisterBessie Mae Gann
April 24, 1881 (Age 5 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherSusannah Margaret Green
March 6, 1884 (Age 7 years)
Birth of a brotherJohn Elmer Gann
September 12, 1885 (Age 9 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherOliver Clark Gann
December 29, 1885 (Age 9 years)
Birth of a sisterFlorence Elizabeth Gann
July 20, 1889 (Age 13 years)
MarriageIsom Willis WelbornView this family
November 23, 1892 (Age 16 years)
Death of a sisterBessie Mae Gann
May 19, 1906 (Age 30 years)
Death of a fatherElbert Sevier Gann
December 5, 1911 (Age 35 years)
Death of a motherSusan Ruth Dade
December 2, 1931 (Age 55 years)
Death of a brotherWilliam Lee Gann
November 7, 1933 (Age 57 years)
Death of a husbandIsom Willis Welborn
November 16, 1938 (Age 62 years)
Death May 27, 1947 (Age 71 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: December 22, 1870Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO
1 year
elder brother
William Lee Gann
Birth: December 29, 1871 22 22Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO
Death: November 7, 1933Mosca, Alamosa Co, CO
11 months
elder brother
James Oliver Gann
Birth: November 18, 1872 23 23Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO
Death: March 1, 1873Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO
3 years
Lula Belle Gann
Birth: March 10, 1876 26 26Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO
Death: May 27, 1947Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO
2 years
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
4 years
younger brother
4 years
younger sister
Florence Elizabeth Gann
Birth: July 20, 1889 40 39Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO
Death: February 22, 1976Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO
Family with Isom Willis Welborn - View this family
Lula Belle Gann
Birth: March 10, 1876 26 26Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO
Death: May 27, 1947Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO
Marriage: November 23, 1892Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO


From Cathie Schoppenhorst, 1344 N Hwy 47, Marthasville, MO 63357. 314-433-5617 From Nina Graham, 806 S 3rd St, Odessa, MO 64076-1455 (816)633-4094 4/23/96.

The obituary of Lula Belle stated that she died at her home, 1430 Oakley and had lived in Kansas City 35 years. About 1900 LUla and her husband went to Port Arthur, Canada, homesteading some land, but returned within two years.

From Nina Graham. I remember what a pretty woman that she was and always so jolly and my mother, Florence Brannan, her sister, was always glad to have her visit and so were all the children. We were always told that she was a beautiful young girl. My mother always said that she was the "belle" of Lafayette County. Since she married so young, I am sure that was the reason their father kept my mother going to school and probably didn't like any of her boy friends. They loved to ride horses when they lived at home, but they did have a buggy they could use when they went courting. Lula Belle was in an accident a few years before she died. I remember a time or two that my mother went up and stayed a few days with her. The last time that I remember her was about 1940 or so when she came to my mother's house and I drove them to Odessa to see their brother, John Elmer Gann. As we started home, it started to rain and the roads were a little muddy and Lula was so scared that she wanted to stop. We did stop at a farm house and they convinced her that it was not bad enough and we could make it all right. It didn't bother my mother, but she had never been in an accident like Lula had. She was a wonderful person and her children were always very good to her.