Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Bessie Mae GannAge: 25 years18811906

Bessie Mae Gann
Given names
Bessie Mae
Birth April 24, 1881 32 31
Death of a paternal grandmotherSusannah Margaret Green
March 6, 1884 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a brotherJohn Elmer Gann
September 12, 1885 (Age 4 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherOliver Clark Gann
December 29, 1885 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a sisterFlorence Elizabeth Gann
July 20, 1889 (Age 8 years)
MarriageWilliam H. DavidsonView this family
November 23, 1898 (Age 17 years)
Death May 19, 1906 (Age 25 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: December 22, 1870Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO
1 year
elder brother
William Lee Gann
Birth: December 29, 1871 22 22Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO
Death: November 7, 1933Mosca, Alamosa Co, CO
11 months
elder brother
James Oliver Gann
Birth: November 18, 1872 23 23Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO
Death: March 1, 1873Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO
3 years
elder sister
Lula Belle Gann
Birth: March 10, 1876 26 26Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO
Death: May 27, 1947Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO
2 years
elder brother
3 years
4 years
younger brother
4 years
younger sister
Florence Elizabeth Gann
Birth: July 20, 1889 40 39Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO
Death: February 22, 1976Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO
Family with William H. Davidson - View this family
Marriage: November 23, 1898Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO


From Nina Graham, 806 S 3rd, Odessa, MO, 67076.