Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Fannie Lou KestersonAge: 49 years18711920

Fannie Lou Kesterson
Given names
Fannie Lou
Birth February 12, 1871
MarriageWilliam Lee GannView this family
November 23, 1892 (Age 21 years)
Death July 13, 1920 (Age 49 years)
Family with William Lee Gann - View this family
William Lee Gann
Birth: December 29, 1871 22 22Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO
Death: November 7, 1933Mosca, Alamosa Co, CO
Marriage: November 23, 1892Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO


From Freda Nunnelley, 3845 Gaines Lanes, Anderson, CA 96007.

From Obitiary: At the Physicians' Hospital at Rocky Ford, Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. 1920, ended the early life of one of the women of Fowler, who has long been a resident, and has endeared herself to a large circle of friends, Mrs. Fannie M. Kesterson-Gann passed away quietly after many months of suffering with a cancer. She became ill last October and since then has gradually become worse, in spite of all that her loving husband and children could do for her. Every means was tried but nothing gave the desired relief. The latest attempt was an operation at Rocky Ford Hospital, from which she rallied but was unable to recover. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kesterson and was born at Odessa, Missouri, in February 1871 and was married to W. L. Gann at Odessa in 1892, and to them 9 children were born, of whom Charlie, the oldest, lives at Alamoosa, Colorado, Gertrude Buhl, Idaho, Harvey at Fowler, Mrs. Susie Gibbins at Fowler and Kenneth and Chester are still at home at Fowler. Three children are dead of whom Elbert, 10 years old died in 1907, Maude died in September, 1916, and Oliver Edwin died at the age of six days. One brother, Grant Kesterson, survives her, and two brothers, Tom and Charles Kesterson and a sister, Mrs. Amanda Sullivan are deceased. She had lived in or near Fowler since coming to Colorado 14 years ago, and was a member of the Baptist Church and her Pastor, Rev. W. E. Simmons conducted the services at the home.