Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Louisa MaxwellAge: 54 years18131867

Louisa Maxwell
Given names
Birth 1813
MarriageJohn GannView this family
1837 (Age 24 years)

Birth of a daughter
Susan B. Gann
1838 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a daughter
Rosanna Gann
1844 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a daughter
Caroline Gann
1847 (Age 34 years)
Birth of a son
Samuel Anderson Gann
1849 (Age 36 years)
Marriage of a childR. BonnerSusan B. GannView this family
December 24, 1862 (Age 49 years)

Marriage of a childEdward M. DraisRosanna GannView this family
August 11, 1864 (Age 51 years)
Death of a husbandJohn Gann
after June 17, 1867 (on the date of death)
Death after June 17, 1867 (Age 54 years)

From Nina Graham, 806 S 3rd St, Odessa, MO 64076-1455 (816)633-4094 4/23/96.