Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Albert (Ab) GannAge: 84 years18841968

Albert (Ab) Gann
Given names
Albert (Ab)
Birth March 7, 1884 25
Birth of a sisterLova Jane (Lovie) Gann
June 16, 1888 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherIrvin Gann
November 30, 1895 (Age 11 years)
Death of a fatherAnderson Gann
September 24, 1919 (Age 35 years)
Death of a brotherWilliam Clayborn Gann
December 8, 1936 (Age 52 years)
Death of a brotherIrvin Gann
November 30, 1959 (Age 75 years)
Death June 28, 1968 (Age 84 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: November 28, 1877Dallas Co., MO
6 months
elder brother
6 years
4 years
younger sister
7 years
younger brother


From Craig Hubbard, 1847 Garnet St, Corona, CA 91710 12/28/95.

Albert was known as "Uncle Ab." He never married and never drove a car. Quite an artist, he painted many pictures and gave them away to friends and relatives. The whereabouts of many of these paintings is presently unknown (his niece-in-law has some of them). As a young boy, Craig Hubbard and his step-father, James W. Gann, sometimes went catfishing with Uncle Ab on Salt Fork and Blackwater in Saline Co, MO. Uncle Ab sometimes worked at farm labor. He was kind, agreeable and pleasant and was always welcome in the relatives' homes. It is also said thathe made violins by hand. His residence was 407 N. Allen St, Marshall, MO. When he died, he was living the the Saline County Rest Home on Route 4. Mrs. Lova White (his sister) was the informant listed on his death certificate and she resided then at 1421 S Benton, Marshall, MO. Wilkinson-Hershberger handled the funeral and burial was at Malta Bend Cemetery near Malta Bend, MO.