Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

John N. Thomason

John N. Thomason
Given names
John N.
MarriageLova Jane (Lovie) GannView this family
January 30, 1911
Death of a wifeLova Jane (Lovie) Gann
November 5, 1969

From Craig Hubbard, 1847 Garnet St, Corona, CA 91710 12/28/95.

John had gone to Colorado to work in the sugar beet fields and died there. His family set out for Colorado to attend his funeral and met with an accident just a few miles from home. John's son, Clyde N. Thomason, was driving and two of the children, Hubert and Kathleen, died in the accident. At the time the family was residing near Windyville, Dallas Co, MO.