Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Ella HenryAge: 55 years18781934

Ella Henry
Given names
Birth November 20, 1878

Birth of a son
Sherman Henry Gann
October 22, 1900 (Age 21 years)

Death March 2, 1934 (Age 55 years)


Obituary: Gann, Mrs. Ella, aged 55, died at the residence in Harrisson, Tenn., early Friday morning. She was a member of the Friendship Baptist church. She is survived by her husband, S. B. Gann; one son, Sherman; two brothers, Oscar and James Henry; six sisters, Mrs. Susan Dutton, Mrs. Dollie James; Mrs. Louis Carlyle, Mrs. Mary Millsaps, Mrs. Mida Gann and Mrs. Martha Hope. Funeral services will be held from the Harrison Baptist Church at 10 o'clock Sunday morning, with the Rev. Mr. Foster, of Ooltewah, officiating. Interment in the Tyner cemetery. Paullbearers: Albert Dutton, S. J. Miller, Tom Shirley, Claude Ritchey, Luther ?.