Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Sharette Gann
Given names
Birth 1859 32 19

Birth of a sisterMartha Ann Gann
1860 (Age 12 months)
Death of a paternal grandmotherSarah (Sally) Painter
1860 (Age 12 months)

Birth of a sisterTennessee Lincoln Gann
December 11, 1862 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a brotherWilliam Jackson Gann
1867 (Age 8 years)

Death of a motherAmanda Jane Maddux
August 16, 1870 (Age 11 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherJohn (Jack) Gann
November 5, 1871 (Age 12 years)
Birth of a half-sisterPhoebe Gann
1873 (Age 14 years)
Birth of a half-brotherSamuel B. Gann
April 1876 (Age 17 years)

Birth of a half-brotherJames Taylor Gann
June 1879 (Age 20 years)

Birth of a half-sisterSally Gann
October 17, 1884 (Age 25 years)
Death of a sisterMartha Ann Gann
1895 (Age 36 years)

Death of a fatherElisha Gann
1904 (Age 45 years)
Death of a brotherJohn Adam Gann
February 26, 1936 (Age 77 years)
Death of a sisterTennessee Lincoln Gann
November 22, 1941 (Age 82 years)

Death of a half-brotherSamuel B. Gann
February 3, 1942 (Age 83 years)

Death 1959 (Age 100 years)