Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Nellie May GannAge: 66 years19011967

Nellie May Gann
Given names
Nellie May
Birth January 4, 1901 43 19

Birth of a brotherJohn Floyd Gann
October 20, 1902 (Age 21 months)

Birth of a sisterNancy Ellen Gann
November 8, 1904 (Age 3 years)

Death of a paternal grandfatherElisha Gann
1904 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a sisterMitylene Gann
May 20, 1907 (Age 6 years)

Death of a sisterNancy Ellen Gann
February 14, 1908 (Age 7 years)

Birth of a sisterJessie Inez Gann
September 27, 1910 (Age 9 years)

Death of a sisterJessie Inez Gann
March 17, 1911 (Age 10 years)

Birth of a brotherCharles Elbert Gann
September 5, 1912 (Age 11 years)

Death of a fatherJohn Adam Gann
February 26, 1936 (Age 35 years)
Death of a motherSerena Smith
May 6, 1940 (Age 39 years)

Death of a half-brotherBenjamin Cally Gann
November 16, 1958 (Age 57 years)
Death of a half-brotherRansom Elisha Gann
January 20, 1964 (Age 63 years)

Death March 17, 1967 (Age 66 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: March 26, 1900
9 months
21 months
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
younger sister
23 months
younger brother
Father’s family with Mary Josephine Hodges - View this family
Marriage: January 27, 1881
11 months
3 years
2 years
4 years
Family with Private - View this family


Obituary Sunday, Mar 19 1967: Harris, Mrs. Nellie Mae, age 66, of Daisy, Tenn., died Friday in a local hospital. Mrs. Harris was a member of the First Baptist Church of Daisy. She was the widow of Rev. Theodore U. Harris. She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Marian Prestwood, Chattanooga, Mrs. Maurine Holt, Daisy, Mrs. Carolyn Brown, East Ridge and Mrs. Cathryne Pierce, Lakeland, Fla.; one sister, Mrs. D. R. Lovelady, Daisy; two brothers, J. Floyd Gann and Charles Elbert Gann, both of Chattanooga; seven grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday in the East Chapel of the Chattanooga Funeral Home with Rev. Marshall Lamb and Rev. Al Goss officiating. Interment will be in Chattanooga Memorial Park. Pallbearers will be Gene Uren, Bill Uen, Franklin Uren, Glenn Reeves, Gene Gann and Bobby Gann.